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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will enhance my vision and look at the bigger picture.  I will see actively work toward creating my future."

2014 is the year of completion and new beginnings.  If you haven't noticed yet, many issues that you had been working on in 2013 are now beginning to be resolved.

We are currently on a three year cycle that involves 2013, 2014, and 2015.

2013 was a year of personal apocalypse. It was a time of letting go, of releasing those people and things and ideas and tasks and philosophies that were no longer applicable to our higher personal and spiritual process.  It was a time of evaluation.  For some it was a time of difficulty.  The ease or difficulty of 2013 was contingent upon the willingness we had to let go and, in some cases, clean up the crap that had accumulated in ourselves and lives.

2014 is a time to bring new awareness and insight into our minds and hearts.  It is a time of exploration, a time to finish up what we started the year before.  Goals are more well defined, and our energy to complete those goals is stronger.  Our will to move out of the old energy and into the new energy is powerful, and we should do what we can to move ourselves forward.  Settle debts that had accrued in the past, resolve and make amends whom we have hurt, fine tune our vision of a successful future and work on the steps that bring us closer to the prize.

2015 will be the year of fruition.  It will be where we see the fruits of our labor.  It is the year of reward.  It is the year in which all of the hard work we have done finally blossoms into what we visualized and worked so hard to create.  This will be the year of personal freedom, of financial benefit, and greater spiritual connection and awareness.

So friends, begin looking back into 2013 and see it for what it was-a time to begin letting go.  Look at 2014 as a time to finish up tasks and form a clearer picture of what you want to manifest and work toward that.  Look ahead to 2015 as a time of the blossoming and fruit bearing of the both previous years.

Remember-life is a cycle.  Some cycles are longer than others and some are shorter.  We are currently working our way through this 3 year cycle.

Take this cycle seriously for it is bound to yield great personal, emotional, spiritual, financial reward.

Be well.

In Love and Light, Always,

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