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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will wrap myself in a bubble of protection to avoid absorbing the feelings of others."
Some of you might be struggling with an overwhelming bombardment of feelings and thoughts whenever you are among a group of people:  at gatherings, in the supermarket, at special events, et al.
Perhaps these experiences are painful for you, and as a result, you avoid them whenever you can.
You may also be experiencing digestive issue, sensitivity to television programming (especially if it is violent or overly emotional), you may avoid the nightly news because of this;  you may also experience bouts of fatigue, need solitude frequently to recharge, carry extra weight without overeating, and my experience moodiness with can include a sense of disconnectedness.
Have you considered that you might be an EMPATH?  An EMPATH is a person that is extremely oversensitive to the emotions of others, and as a result, actually absorbs the feelings of others.  This is very different that being sympathetic in that a sympathetic person may feel badly about a situation, but an EMPATH actually feels the exact feelings that others are experiencing.
As for myself, I can do a decent job of shutting out others' feelings, but when it comes to my children, my daughter, in particular, I seem to always absorb whatever she is feeling.  When I experience unexplained feelings or physical symptoms, and I cannot account for them in my own current experience, I always have to check with her and see where she is emotionally.  Most of the time, it is her feelings that I am feeling.
There are 30 markers that are common among EMPATHS.  The more of them one experiences, the greater the chances that one is an EMPATH.
The next several entries will address these markers 5 at a time.  Read them carefully.  They could apply to you.  Perhaps not all apply, but if have at least ten (10), then the chances are pretty good this could be you and be an answer to why you feel the way you do.
EMPATH MARKERS 1-5 (starting with the most common)
1-A Sense of Knowingness-You just know things.  You don't know how you know, but you just know.  It is greater than intuition.  It is as if you had always known what you know.  The more attuned a person is, the stronger the gift of knowingness gets.
2-Feeling Feelings-You experience unexplained feelings.  These feelings are hard to pinpoint because what you may be experiencing in your own life doesn't really have anything to do with the feelings you are experiencing.  These feelings belong to others and you have, like a sponge, absorbed them.
3-Feeling Illness-You experience physical symptoms of illness when there is no logical reason for feeling this way.  Most empaths unconsciously desire to help others and relieve their pain, so the empathy takes on the illness so that the other does not have to suffer it.  This is particularly true with people whom we love.   (This happens to me a lot with those close to me, especially (in the past-my mother) my children.
4-Need for Alone Time-You may feel a frequent need to withdraw from others to rest, to sit, to be quiet, to nap, to not talk to anyone.  Being an empathy is draining, especially if you are dealing with large groups of people at one time like in your job.  After times of great interaction, an empathy needs time to recharge physical and emotional batteries, and so this is why you may need to seek some solitude.  You are not antisocial, you are exhausted!
5-Avoiding Crowds-You may generally shy away from large groups like parties, celebrations, concerts, graduations, holiday shopping, the gym, anywhere where there will be pressing humanity.  This is because you are a large radio antennae and pick up "signals" from everybody.  These "signals" may cause you to feel claustrophobic and anxious.  As a result, you avoid the whole situation.  You may also feel deep guilt at declining an invitation because you just can't stand the thought of a crowd.
Check back tomorrow for the next five markers.
In Love and Light-Always,

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