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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will ask for healing of my internal handicaps."

A message from the Archangels of Healing

"It is easy to see those who are physically handicapped.  They are blind or deaf or have an amputated limb, and when we see this, our hearts are filled with sympathy and compassion for them.  But what about the handicaps we cannot see?  Are these outwardly invisible handicaps any less tragic?  No, they are more so.

Those with external handicaps can relearn to live life and live a productive and happy life if they choose.  But the emotional paralysis or the emotional blindness or emotional deafness or the emotional amputation is the real handicap.

You may not suffer from the external.  You may walk and talk and see and hear, but what about the inside of you?  Have you considered that?

A handicap is anything which prevents you from approaching life in true and healthy form.  But consider this:  There are far fewer physically handicapped persons on your planet than there are emotionally and spiritually handicapped ones.

If you say the word, if you say, "Help me," We will rush into y our life and bring mighty healing. 

The time right in the planetary alignment for healing to be accelerated .  Now would be the time to work toward your healing process.  The power of healing energy is magnified muchfold and great progress can be made.

Ask for Universal help in this way:  "I ask that Universe open my heart and mind and eyes to those handicaps that need healing.  I open my heart and mind and eyes to this healing power and accept this healing power in my life.  I ask this in the name of all that good and true and pure in the Universe, for my highest good and the highest good of others."

If you ask, Universe will provide.  Remember, the time is ripe for the radiation and amplification of healing energy.  Take part this Universal process at this most auspicious time.


In Love and Light-Always,

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