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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I call upon the Universe and the Archangels of Healing to support my healing process."

Message from the realm of the Archangels:

Prepare yourself for the healing process.  Universe supports your healing.

Those of us in the Angelic realm are here to guide you with  your healing process.  It is right and just that you should heal.  In this way, you may live a life of hope and peace and harmony.

It is not timely that you should live out your life in anguish and then carry that anguish into the next lifetime, for in the next lifetime, you will have to confront it again.

Universe's  lesson for you in this lifetime is letting go.  Imagine a balloon filled to its maximum, filled to bursting with air.  Now apply this to yourself.  You are the balloon filled to maximum with anger and self pity and hatred and resentment.  How long will you exist in this condition before you finally explode?

Is this your goal?  Is this what you are working toward in order to "pay back" those who have hurt you?  Are you trying to teach them a lesson?

No, dear people.  This is not a lesson.  This is foolishness.  The real lesson is that you begin to deflate the balloon a little at a time until all of the pressure is gone, all of the negativity that you have internalized for so long is gone.

Reach out to the Universe and to the Archangels of Healing  for this mission of letting go.

It has never been Universe's intention that you live with fear and pain.  It is Universe's gift that you live with peace and joy.

The greatest gift that Universe has provided for man is free will.  The will to let go and move forward with his spiritual quest.  And part of that quest is to confront and conquer the pain within and cultivate self love.

Universe want you to  know that YOU are NOT responsible in any way for the pain inflicted upon you.  This is strictly the responsibility of the one who has hurt you, and this one will be held accountable and will have to face his own karma, but do not rob yourself because someone has robbed you.

Survive and live a true life. 

Universe and its angels are waiting.  We are at your disposal to assist you and support  you in this quest for wholeness.

Choose wholeness, for living whole is far more rewarding than living fractured.

Be blessed now and always.  Pick up the pieces of yourself and life and begin to live as you were meant:  with JOY.

Take up the challenge and LIVE, dear ones.  We love you now and always for our love is unlimited.

In Love and Light-Always,

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