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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I choose healing."
Sometimes we cling to our pain for so long that it becomes like an old friend.  We talk to it and nurture it and harbor it deep inside.  It becomes part of us, and we are reluctant to let it go.
But, for how long will you carry the burden of misery?  Isn't it time to finally, once and for all, make peace with yourself and find some serenity and joy?
The damage that others cause us is not irreparable.  Yes, we are damaged, but there comes a time when we must move past it, forcibly put it behind us, and HEAL.
The primary and poignant question is:  Do you really want to heal?  or do you want to continue a downward spiral into oblivion?  Choose HEALING.  Please choose healing.
Others may have been responsible for your pain, but only YOU are responsible for your HEALING.
If you say, "I can't let go, I've been hurt too badly," then you have already made the decision to go on ad infinitum as a victim.  Your aggressor has won, has a tenable hold on you forever.  Is this what you want, to be a lifetime victim?  If so, have at it! 
But if you decide that a person or experience will no longer keep you in a strangle hold, then begin to extricate yourself from the those feelings.
It is not easy to heal, but the rewards of healing far outweigh the constant pain.  Yes, you will have to confront that pain to let it go.  Yes, it can hurt, but then you can release it. 
Yes, you may have to take a deep look inside yourself and confront your own issues.  Sometimes we have to break ourselves down to rebuild ourselves.  WE ARE ALL WORTH REBUILDING!
Dear friends, I am concerned for you.  I want so badly that you live a life of freedom from those issues and people who have hurt you.  But you have got to do it! I cannot do it for you.  Seek professional assistance if you must.
It is ok to be afraid, but courage is recognizing the fear and moving on nonetheless.  Let this day's blog help you to move on with your life.  I support you.  Universe supports you.  Turn to Universe for courage to move through your issues and once and for all, HEAL.
In Love and Light-Always,

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