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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will choose one thing that I have been putting off and get it done."
So, what have you been putting off?  What areas of your life are you not taking care of?  Pretending that a situation does not exist does not make it go away, so why are you turning your back on it and putting off dealing with it?
I know, I really do.  You feel overwhelmed by it.  You don't know what to do.  You don't know where to start.  You feel frustrated and anxious.
But ignoring the necessity of taking care of business is only prolonging that feeling of being overwhelmed, only elongating the anxiety and frustration.
Start NOT looking at the big picture and projecting every scenario over and over again.  Choose one, only one, aspect of the situation, and deal with that.  In doing so, you oil the wheel, so to speak, and what was stuck begins to move.  Once the wheel starts to turn, then it forces into motion all other parts of the machinery.
Begin with something small like making the phone call or the appointment or whatever else takes little time and energy.  Do it and let it be done.  Then continue the process.
You may notice that the one small step you make is just enough to bring about a whole new set of options, some which you may not have even thought of.  And these options may reduce the anxiety you feel and increase your confidence and your desire to continue the process.
Many times, once we get going and see progress, it encourages us to continue, and with each step of the process, what we had been putting off, runs its course and finally comes to an end.
So, friends, pick something, and start the process in motion.
In Love and Light-Always,

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