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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will cultivate goodness and kindness and live in the Light."

Goodness and Kindness are always repaid with Goodness and Kindness.  Beware of what you send out, beware of your words and your thoughts, for they will surely return to you tenfold. 
Always avoid the lower aspects of your character and travel always in the Light.  Veer away from bitterness, resentment, anger.  Turn your face away from wishing others ill.  This is not living in the Light.  This is the beginning of the path of Darkness which can only bring you sorrow and suffering.
Light illuminates all things and keeps darkness at bay.  Resist the urge to fight fire with fire.  Resist the philosophy of an eye for an eye.  This what the Master Teacher meant when he said, "Turn the other cheek."  This is not always easy, but for your own sake, you must do it.
Pray for those living in their own darkness.  Pray for their illumination and breakthrough.  Turn over to Universe/your Higher Power/God what truly belongs in Universe's/your Higher Power's/God's hands.  This leaves your hands free to receive the blessings of the Universe/your Higher Power/God.
Let go of the superfluous and adopt a new level of consciousness.  Release from your mind and heart those who have harmed you.  Let go of them and let Universe/your Higher Power/God do what is necessary for their enlightenment.
In Love and Light-Always,

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