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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will boldly believe that Universe/my Higher Power/God believes in me even though I may not believe in myself."

A channeled message from the Divine Brotherhood:

Go boldly out into the world and conquer your fears.  Conquer your resistance to move into the uncharted territory of your future.
Visualize the possibilities of what your life could be if you had the courage to let go of the safe and familiar and venture out into new possibilities.
All of this is possible.  All of your hopes for the future can come into full realization if you just cultivate courage and dispel fear.  Yes, there are always uncertainties, but with a closer connection with the Universal Source, your Higher Power, God, that which you only dream about can become a reality.
Stop fixating on why you can't, and start focusing on why can should--then do it!
Keep in mind, the more energy you pour into NOT having, the less you will have.  The more you focus on why you shouldn't, the more you won't.  Don't allow yourself to limit your possibilities.
Universe, your Higher Power, God wants you to have your heart's desire, wants you to find satisfaction and fulfillment, wants to bless you and bless you again and again and again. 
But if you don't allow it, if you continue to block it because of your fear or your belief that you don't deserve it, then what is Universe, your Higher Power, God to do?  Universe, your Higher Power, God does not force man to accept its blessing, but is always there should you decide that you have the courage enough to unclench your fist and let go of the limitations you cling to.
How glorious it would be to finally release the burden of self-condemnation and self-castigation and simply surrender to Universe, your Higher Power, God, and say "Thank you for blessing me, and even though I believe I don't deserve it, I know in my heart of hearts that You believe I deserve it, and I accept your gifts.  Thank you."
You may not have faith in yourself, but Universe, your Higher Power, God has infinite faith in you and your capabilities to move beyond your own self-perceived limitations.  So, how will you choose?  Will you choose a lifetime of struggle or suffering or lack of resources?  Or will you agree to let Universe, your Higher Power, God move mightily in your life and bless you with the miracles you truly deserve?
Go ahead and turn it over to the hands of Universe, your Higher Power, God, and prepare to see the improvements and miracles that begin to happen in your life. 
This is the message for you today:  Open your heart and mind to the possibility that all is possible in the mind and heart of Universe, your Higher Power,God.  And you, as His child, are deserving of His many blessings.
Go out boldly into the world with the rekindled belief that you are worth the love and gifts of Universe, your Higher Power, God.  Take a chance.  Open your hands and let Universe, your Higher Power, God bless you.  You won't regret your decision to accept and to live a happy, more enlightened life.
Pray in this way:  "Universal Father, my Higher Power, Father God--I turn my human weakness over into your hands and trust in your great goodness.  I accept with an open heart all of the blessings that you have reading and waiting for me.  I trust you in believing in me--in my deservingness to be blessed.  I let go of all that is holding me back and trust and take the Leap of Faith in believing that you believe I deserve all good things.  Amen. 
In Light and Love-Always,

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