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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will keep myself steady on the earth and connected to the Universal Source."

Keep yourself steady on the earth.  Each day, take the time to ground youself.  This will keep you exactly where you need to be insead of feeling unsettled or flighty.  Have you ever said to yourself, "I feel as if I have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed?"

Yes, Well, a short grounding exercise surely can help to dissipate that feeling and realign you with te your own energy and bring a sense of peace and calmness to you. 

Here is what you do:

Sit down in a chair or stand with with your feet flat on the floor.  Begin breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Feel your body begin to relax. 

Then as you breathe in, visualize the earth on which you have planted your feet.  Imagine the pulse of the living earth energy under you.  Then, let that green earth energy rise into the bottom of your feet.  Let it flow up your legs, and when it gets to the base of the spine, the two beams connect making on single beam.  Let it flow up the center of your body and out the top of your head.  Let it continue to flow upward until it connects with the Universal Source.

Then let a beam of white light from the Universal Source flow down into the top of your head, down through the center of you body.  When it gets to the base of the spine, it splits in two and flows down each leg and out your feet.  It continues to flow downward into the earth until it reaches the core where it anchors itself there.

The final step in grounding is two twist the two beams of light together like a rope.  This forms an unbreakable bond and ensures that you stay anchored/grounded to the earth as well as connected to your higher consciousness/Higher Power/Universal Source.

Once this process is done, you are good to go.  Move through your daily life feeling centered, focused, content and capable of handling the challenges that arise.

In Love and Light-Always,

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