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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, February 2, 2015

Today' Affirmation
"Today, I will consider my karma.  I will stand steadfast in the Light and maintain my integrity so that I do not incur any additional karmic debt."
Karma.  Pay attention to your karma.  Karma is the idea that what goes around, comes around.  It is the universal concept states that our actions have both rewards and consequences.  Those actions that are positive, have a positive result, and we incur no spiritual debt, but actions are negative, bring about consequences, and we are always held responsible for the consequences.
Our goal is to release our karma and bring our karma into balance.  We can do this by taking responsibility and by always striving and doing that which in accordance with Universal Law. 
Sometimes it is tempting to strike back, to take revenge, to hurt those who have hurt us.  We have to work so hard so that we do not descend into the lowest aspects of our own character.  By keeping ourselves in check and NOT taking an eye for an eye, we keep consequences away, thus not incurring any additional karma and keeping ourselves in balance.
Recently, I endured a test of this nature.  I had a great wrongdoing done to me, and it was so tempting to let myself go and just retaliate against the wrongdoer using the psychic capabilities that I have. 

Had I done this, the karmic consequences would have been catastrophic for me.  Instead, I maintained my integrity and keep myself in the Light.

I am proud that I had the inner strength and wisdom to steady myself and remain steadfast in my strong connection to the Universal Source and to my own principles.

So, think about your karma.  Give it serious thought.  Determine whether or not your actions are contributing to releasing and balancing your karma or are incurring more karmic debt.  It may be time to make more karmically conscious decisions.

In Love and Light-Always,

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