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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, February 16, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will open my heart, share the universal love that resides within, and work for the healing of not only myself, but for those I love and for the healing of the planet and humanity"

Yesterday, I asked you to check in today for the completion of the Healing Circle Meditation. 
PART II:  Complete all of the steps outlined in yesterday's blog.  Then continue with the following.
1.  Focus on the beating of your heart.  Visualize a tiny spark of beautiful pink light appearing in your heart.
2.  With each beat of your heart, the tiny spark begins to grow.  It grows larger and larger until your entire heart is enveloped in a beautiful pink glow.
3.  Let this pink light continue to pulse and intensify in brightness.  This pink glowing light in your heart is the unconditional love that Universe, your Higher Power, God has for you and for all of mankind.
4.  Now, focus on the pink light and send a beam of this light to the person on your left.  Each person does this, connecting pink heart light from person to person.
5.  As each person connects heart to heart, the energy of the love grows.  It is this loving light that heals all.
6.  As the light moves around the circle of the group, each person will receive the light back in his heart from the person on the right.
7.  Once the entire circle is connected through the pink heart light, let the light radiate inward, into the center of the circle.  Let it grow until the entire circle is filled and until the light exceeds the circle encompassing every person in the group.
8.  Now, the speaker of the group/the leader of the meditation should say something like "Let this healing light of love enter our hearts, minds, and spirits.  Let it heal us, our loved ones, humanity, and our planet.  Let us visualize those that need healing and place them in the middle of this healing circle."  Visualize yourselves, your loved ones, and humanity and planet, in the center of the circle completely surrounded by the pink light.
9.  Say something like, "May this loving and healing light energy fill all those who are in need of healing in the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.  Open their eyes to truth, their hearts to unconditional love.  Cleanse their emotions, and strengthen their spirits.  Raise their level of consciousness and awareness so that Light enters every aspect of their lives."
10.  Always end the meditation (any and all meditations that you do) with "I/We ask this in the name of all that is good and true and pure in the Universe, for my/our highest good and the highest good of all concerned."
11.  Optional:  Each person in the group can take a turn to vocalize the names of each person who are placed in the circle.  The leader of the group can then vocalize any large groups of people who need healing, for example, like the people of New Orleans or the citizens of those whose homes were lost in the earthquake.
12.  Once all this is done, say something like "May this loving and healing light continue to surround and heal those in need.  Then release the pink energy in the circle as if it were a balloon or bubble.  See it rise up out of the circle and into the universe where it will continue to do its work.  (Each person is still connected to each other with their heart energy.)
13.  Bring the mediation to a close by asking each person to disconnect from the person on his left and draw his own heart energy back into his own heart.  Let the pink light, however, continue to surround the actual heart.
14.  Then tell the group to become more and more aware of their conscious awareness, and to come back into their consciousness.  Ask them to take a few deep breaths and wiggle fingers and toes.  Tell them what when they feel ready, they should stretch their bodies and open their eyes and be in full conscious awareness.
15.  Now you are done.
In Love and Light-Always,

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