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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will open my mind and heart and spirit to the Universe and receive Divine Wisdom."
A Tarot Story
Part IV
He knew that all would turn out the way that it should regardless of the outcome.  He felt confident that what was meant for him to encounter and overcome, he would encounter and overcome.  He knew that his journey would continue to bring him more wisdom and more enlightenment.
He also recognized that there might be times when he might have to make sacrifices for what he believed was his true cause:  to continue the journey and progress.  He was not afraid, for he understood that sacrifice for a worthy cause was both necessary and valuable.
The young man continued many days and months on his journey.  One day, as he walked serenely along on a ill-worn path through a forest, his dog trotting by his side, he was suddenly struck by the beauty of the wilderness.  A bright flash of insight burst into his mind:  All life is a cycle-a cycle of birth and growth and death and rebirth.
He though of the trees.  The seeds drop, nestle into the soil, and grow.  He thought of the stream and its journey from raindrop to sea.
This flash of insight caused him to consciously embrace the cycle of life and death.  Life could not exist without death, and death could not exist without life.  Both are necessary.  Both create balance.  And without balance, chaos would ensue.
As we walk along the path of our personal journey, we can't help but gain wisdom, for wisdom is all around us.  We just need to open our hearts, and minds, and spirits to receive it.
All of Universe is available to us, we just need to ask Universe to show it to us, to remind us of it, for it has touched our lives many times, but like the fool, we were too early in the journey to see it.  But now, we have walked the walk and are ready to put the pieces of the puzzle together and see the larger picture...........And it is beautiful.
In Love and Light-Always,

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