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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, August 15, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will claim my place as a citizen of the earth.  I will embrace the natural world and bring more of the natural world into my manmade environment."

The spirit of the Universe is in all things.  And all living things emit an energy that makes them alive.  And it is this interplay of energy that keeps the earth in balance.

It is our supreme duty as citizens of the earth to respect that balance and to ensure that the balance continues.

The more we break down the natural world and fill it with synthetic structures, the less living energy exists. The less living energy exists, the more out of balance the earth becomes.  And the more out of balance the earth is, the more precarious our existence on it.

I applaud those who marvel and support and explore the natural world, those who try to understand it.  They have a special relationship with the planet and the Universe.  They are advocates of the natural world.  And we should applaud their efforts. 

With the technology of computers and television, they are able to bring what they have learned to a mass audience.  This is Lightwork.  They are compelled to share their knowledge in hopes to better educate those who know little or nothing about their subjects, in turn, this makes us better informed citizens of the earth.

So, for today, embrace your citizenship of the earth.  Tune in to the natural environment around you.  If you live in an urban area where there are more synthetic structures than natural environment, I encourage you to bring the natural world into your home or work space.  Put a plant on your desk, create a balcony flower garden, place a potted tree in your entryway.  Decorate your home with art you can make yourself using stones and rocks, branches, driftwood, pine cones, etc.

When you surround yourself with the natural world, when you bring some of the natural world into your manmade existence, you honor the planet and bring more harmony into your own living space.

In Love and Light-Always,

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