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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, August 29, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will create something some nothing.  I will manifest that which good and true and pure and for my highest and greatest good."
"In the beginning of time which has no beginning, middle, or end, there was nothing but the energy and power of the universe.  And this energy infused all that there was and created something from nothing.
It is our hope that you will recognize that from nothing, you cab create something of great value.  All things and beings have power and energy, and when you combine all forces of energy:  mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual energy into one entity, then you have a powerful resource for manifesting that which can come into physical being.
This is our message to you today:  Create something from nothing.  Recognize that you are a powerful spiritual being with powerful thoughts and you have the capacity to manifest all that is necessary for your personal and spiritual growth.
Look above and beyond where you stand currently and see the larger view of your life.  Focus on the highest and best good you can imagine and then manifest it.
The great Universal Source of All That Is supports your growth and encourages you to come closer and closer to your true spiritual self. 
Rely on all of resources available to you to create the life that you want.  Work always for the highest and greatest good of all, and share your blessings with others.
In this we hold steadfast for we want what is best for you.  We love you much and thus we bring this message to you today.
Slough off the dead scales of inactivity and outmoded thinking.  Rise above the petty thinking that surrounds you.  Recognize that you are a powerful individual and the Universe supports your growth and enlightenment.  Worry not about those who seek to tether you to the lower levels of consciousness, for they cannot do so unless you allow it.  Do not allow it.  Keep your head and eyes up, focus on that which is Good and True and Pure.
Be blessed always as you truly are.  Bring light into your life and share it with others.
We counsel you in this because we love and care about you.
-The Angels of the Principalities-"

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