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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will embrace my journey, no matter where it takes me."

A Tarot Story
Part I

Once there was an inexperienced young man who decided to leave his family, safety, and security, and strike out on his own.  He packed all of his few belongings, picked up his walking stick, called his faithful dog, and set out on his journey. 
The young man had never left home before and had no real knowledge of the world, nor did he have any experience with traveling.  He seemed to have no viable skills, for he had not time to develop any. 
Despite all of this, the young man stepped onto the road with the mindset that he would encounter wonderful adventures.   Any problems he might encounter, the thought, he would deal with as they arose.
What the young man did not know as he set out was that somewhere, deep within himself, he had everything that he needed to be successful on his journey.  He hadn’t realized this because those skills had never been honed or tested.
As the young man journeyed into uncharted territory, he sensed that he was missing something, something he just quite couldn’t put his finger on.  At times, he lost his way and had to retrace his steps.  Other times he was frustrated because some of the things he encountered, he didn’t understand.  It wouldn’t be until the end of the journey, that retrospectively, he would understand. 
For now, he would have to rely on his creative thinking and problem solving.  He had to embrace the idea that he alone was the master of his journey, and if he didn’t find a creative approach, no one would do it for him, for he was on his own. 
Each day is a journey unto itself, and each daily journey adds to our lifetime journey.  And although we all begin as "The Fool," as we travel the road, we gain everything we need to come finally come full circle. 
Don't be afraid of your journey; embrace it. 
In Love and Light-Always


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