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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will invest in children, for they are the new enlightened beings who will change the course of the planet and elevate the planetary consciousness."

The children of our generation are a more enlightened group of people than we were.  They will have a pivotal impact on the future of the planet and the future of the consciousness of the planet.  Our children, who we have taught to fight through difficulty, will view the world from a much wider perspective than we did. 
They will feel a stronger injustice about the damage that has been done by past generations and try to right it.  They will see a stronger connection between man and his planet.  They will reject the socially accepted course of their futures and will choose futures that are more in tune with humanitarianism. 
This generation will produce more careers that service careers.  They will choose these careers over money making careers.  This generation will also do much more volunteer work for the good of others than previous generations.
The children of our children, our grandchildren, will be the ones who tip the scales and make a reverberating impact on the direction that the planet and its people will take.  These special children, many of whom have yet to be born, will fight the good fight.  They will stand up and be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. 
This generation will further the work that their parents have done.  There will be a shift from the material world to the more mental/spiritual world.  They will be the ones who will most clearly see the interrelationship of cause and effect and the impact it has had on the globe.
They will organize large scale rescues, return to a more homeopathic path, replant the planet, and bring balance to the planet.  They will do more pro bono work.  They will move out of cities into more rural areas and cultivate the soil with their own crops in order to be self-sustaining.  They will gather in small communities and form cooperatives.  They will bring back the barter system.
The children of these children, our great-grandchildren, will create stability for what their parents have created.  They will maintain the balance of the planet.  At this time, we will see (none of us will, of course, because we will have passed on and only be looking down from the Great Beyond) a greater utilization of the natural world.  They will seek solutions, not through the rape of the planet's resources, but through new alternatives.  They will create a greater sense of small community.  They will make the best of what they have got.
And it is this generation that will bring forth the following generation who will continue to work for the planet and people and ensure the longevity of both.
Beyond this generation, I can't see.  This is all that Universe has shown me. 
So, dear friends, our race is ensured survival through our progeny.  This is incredibly encouraging because our generation has seen so much that has led us to believe that we are on the brink of destruction, and indeed we are if changes are not made.  Yes, things are changing slowly, but they will change for the better.
In Light and Love-Always,

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