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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will look beyond illusion and see the reality."
A Tarot Story
Part V
He applied his great insight to his own journey.  He remembered times of toil and times of rest; times of ease and times of struggle; times of ignorance and times of deep understanding.  He smiled, nodded his head, and said aloud, “From now on, I will strive for balance in all things.”  And he did strive for balance.  He found his journey more satisfying, more enriching.  He found himself more peaceful, more serene.

But, despite these new insights, there were times when the lower aspects of his character interfered with his journey. He experienced anger, jealousy, bitterness, and resentment.  Sometimes he acted with selfishness and conceit and arrogance.  Sometimes he acted hurtfully to others and caused them pain or grief.  This hurt him too, for the journey was an important one, and this darker side of himself caused him setbacks and brought him to a standstill.  He knew this was not what he wanted.  He knew he needed to rise above his own primitive aspects of self.
On a particularly clear night, as he was camped on a plain, he looked up into the dark blue sky.  The brilliance of the stars overwhelmed him.  He was in awe.  He began to count how many of them he saw, then he realized how great the universe was and how the number of stars was uncountable.  He felt small and insignificant under the heavens.  Just then a star arced through the sky-a shooting star.  He took it as a sign, a word, a message, a gift from the Universe.  He felt blessed and inspired. 
That night, under the beauty of the night sky, he fell asleep and dreamed of many things.  He dreamed of trees that turned into spirit forms; he dreamed of whispering rocks and songful streams; he dreamed of roads that turned into rivers. 
In the morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, he woke with his dreams still fresh in his conscious awareness.  He contemplated them.  He saw them anew, not in the light of the moon which cast an unreal veil over his thoughts, but in the bright light of day.  He was able to interpret them.  To see them as representations of his long and sometimes arduous journey.  He knew then that Universe had shown him the difference between appearance and reality.  This was great wisdom, and he vowed  that he would look upon the world with new eyes and do his best to separate what he thought was real from what he knew he was real. 
This was a great asset to him as he continued his travels.  He was better able to assess and evaluate with greater clarity.  He was able to make wiser, more informed choices and decisions.  He was able to judge what he had previously perceived to be truth from what was actual truth.
Dear Friends. there are many illusions out there; we encounter them everyday.  Many even live their lives in total illusion, rejecting or ignoring or be unaware that their lives are an illusion.
Let me counsel you to strive for the reality.  Perhaps it may not be as glamorous as the illusion, but it is truer and purer and, of course, realer.  It is only in reality that we can progress.  We must begin somewhere, sometime.
Ask the Universe to assist with shedding the illusions with which you have lived and bring reality into your consciousness.  By doing this, you illuminate your mind and your spirit, you are given the opportunity to release those things that have caused blockages in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life.
This may not be an easy task for you, but I encourage you not to turn your face away; embrace the enlightenment that Universe offers you, for what is waiting for you is much, much better than what you have now.
In Love and Light-Always,

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