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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will embrace the change in my life."

The time is now to consciously embrace your journey toward transformation.  No is the time to shed the clutter from your life and make way for the universe to mightily intervene and bring positive change.  Change that will bless you with prosperity and self knowledge.
If you cannot let go of that which is blocking your path, then Universe can force itself on you, nor will it.  You need to be a willing participant in change.  For your journey is your journey and you are responsible for it.
You must claim your birthright as a Divine Being and embrace the Light within you.
In this way, Universe can rush in and bring those dreams to life for a better future.  Not only a human future, but a Divine future, thus bringing you closer to your true destiny with is reunion with the Divine. 
You have lived so many lifetimes so that y can learn the lessons of the human experience and eventually reunite with the Divine source from ;which you came.  Some of you may only five again in human form for a short time, but others have a long way to go.  For they are slow to learn lessons and embrace the Divinity within.
Recognize that you are made from Light, pure and loving light .  The Divine essence of the Universal Source of all that it.
Flesh and blood allows you the opportunity to learn love, compassion, sympathy, and through struggle you learn courage and bravery and steadfastness  Struggle is not intended to bring pain, but learning pain brings also its lessons.  lessons in letting go and lessons in self-sufficiency and in compassion and strength.
It allows you the opportunity to reach out the Divine Source from which your cam and draw your strength and energy.  and to heighten your awareness and  expand your consciousness.
Man is but an infant in the continuum of time.  For he has existed far less long than the Divine which has always existed.
Rely on the Divine help that Universe offers.  Turn to Universe in times of duress, and Universe will show you the way.  Reclaim your Divinity by reuniting with your true essence.
This I;s the message that we bring you today.  For great change in in your path this year, and you must be prepared for it.  Don't fight the change, flow with it.  For it is Universe's desire that you grow and find your true calling and receive Universal prosperity.
There is little time between now and the time of transformation.  So use your time wisely,  Learn as much as you can.  And await the will of Heaven.  For Heaven is generous and loving and blessed.  And you truly deserve All that Universe has in store for you.
So walk you path with consciousness and in the Light.  Never stray from the Light, for in doing this, the path becomes longer and the lessons more difficult.  Rely on what you know is true and you will always be in the light.

Many blessings now and Always.

The Angels of the Brotherhood.

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