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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will consciously surrender to my Higher Power and feel confident and trust that my Higher Power will carry me through the struggle."

The reason it's called a struggle is because, well, it is a struggle.  It's painful and difficult.  We look out at the proverbial battlefield, and we each have one, and wonder, "How do I do this?  Do I have the energy and the resources to fight today?"  What if we just, like our favorite pet, the dog, simply just lay down, give in, let it overtake us?

Sometimes this is a hard choice.  We may want to just give up, lay down and let the situation overtake us, consume us, but in doing this, we set off a chain reaction of events that bring on a whole set of situations that  we are not equipped to deal with, and what then?  Do we just continue to lay down?  Just continue to give in?  Just abdicate our entire lives?  Go live in a cave in Tibet (although sometimes the idea is appealing)?

Perhaps it is time to surrender.  Surrender is very different from giving in.  Giving in connotes defeat.  Surrender implies knowing that we can no longer do it on our own and require Higher Assistance.  Surrender implies being at a point when we say to ourselves and to the Universal Source, "I am at my breaking point, I need help.  Carry me through this.  Show me, clearly, the road to travel and my best course of action in this situation.  Lead me where I need to go because I cannot get there on my own.  Help me."

So, dear friends, do not despair.  Reach out to your Higher Power and give it over into the hands that can hold you up, sustain you, carry you through to the other side. 

Surrender.  Don't just give in.

In Love and Light-always,

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