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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, April 21, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be truthful, with myself and others."
My good friend Rachelle, a wise, caring, and loving soul, shared with me that people lie for 5 different reasons:  (1) to avoid consequences, (2) to be safe, (3) to be in control, (4) to be right, and (5) to look good.
What stands out to me is number two:  to be safe.  When we feel threatened, our survival instinct kicks in and we do whatever we can to protect ourselves from danger and harm.  The form of the danger or the impending harm is contingent on our own perceptions of the damage that can be done to us.  If we feel we are in danger, even if the danger isn't real, then our survival mode kicks in.
Sometimes the survival method of lying moves to the front of the line, and before we know it, we are voicing untruths.  Other times, we engineer the untruth so that we will be prepared IF a threat occurs.  And other times, we simply refrain from responding.
I don't think any this is bad necessarily, it is just the way we have always operated.  (Unless it is a chronic situation-then help may be required.)
When we disclose information, it is NOT necessary to disclose EVERYTHING.  We get to decide, specifically, how much information is required to satisfy the situation.  Sometimes telling the WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH is hurtful or painful to ourselves or others.
I don't have any definitive answers about when to tell the truth or when to refrain or when to just out and out lie.  I really don't.  We each must wrestle with this issue for ourselves.
I do know that sometimes trusting a person enough to tell them the truth is important, risky, but important. 
Today, it is my turn to tell the truth about something.  I have lied for the very reason of feeling threatened and in need of protection, but today, I will shed the cloak of the lie (more like an omission) and just trust and disclose the reality.  Once I put it out there, it is out there, but I know that Universe is supporting my process and gives me comfort.
So, dear, dear, friends, for today, consider the TRUTH and rely on Universe to carry you through the situation. 
In Love and Light-always,

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