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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will walk the path of transformation."

Transformation never comes without cost.  That cost is all of the experiences that we have on our human journey.  These experiences are intended to teach us about ourselves, and thus transform us from what we were to what we are to what we can become.

When you look back on some of your experiences, I am sure that you are not necessarily glad those experiences happened, but you are grateful for the wisdom they provided.  When you look back at who you were before the experience and compare that to who you are now, I would be willing to bet that who you are now is a wiser, more enlightened person--transformed.

Review what lessons you have learned.  Consider the path you are on.  Use the information from your experiences to move you along on the path and into transformation.

Never stop working toward evolving into a person far better than who you are right now.  Embrace the quest for transformation.

In Light and Love-Always,

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