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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, January 5, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will ask the Universe to fulfill my needs, and I will gladly receive its gifts."

Universe is so willing and so ready to fulfill our needs and our desires, yet we continually deny the Universe the opportunity to give to us by limiting what we think we deserve.  We are so ready to settle for less than we deserve. 

And we deserve because we are beings created from Divinity, and thus, deserve all the help we can get from the Source from which we came.

So, don't NOT ask because you think you don't deserve; ask, and be willing to receive the gifts when Universe sends them to you.

If there is something that you really, really need, like a new car because yours is finally beginning to give out, then ask Univerrse to provide you with one.  Write down, on a sheet of paper, exactly what you need, for example, air conditioning, four doors, good working order, a price under a certain amount; you get the point.  The more specific you are with your requests, the more Universe can provide eactly what you need.

Universe wants us to be happy.  Universe wants us to be successful.  Universe wants us to have every advantage for navigating through our human lives.  So if we need, then we should ask.

Never be afraid to ask Universe to supply your needs.  Never think you are undeserving.  Universe is Unconditional Love, and it is because of that supreme love for us that Universe provides for us.

Think of it this way, if you have children, and they were in need, if they had a severe lack of resources, wouldn't you want to do whatever you could to help them?  What would motivate you to do such a thing?  LOVE.

So dear friends, for today, allow Universe to bless you and fulfill your needs.

In Love and Light-Always,

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