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Friday, January 23, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be the river flowing gently around the rock and not the rock that obstructs the flow of the river."

Sometimes it is necessary for us to take a stand and advocate for those principles in which we believe, but other times it is equally necessary for us to retreat into the background and let Universe do its job.

It may be time to ask the Universe what it has planned for you and the best of action you should take in the meantime.  Like a little voice popping into your head at the most unlikely moment, Universe will reveal its purpose.

By having even just a little bit of information, we can better choose our own course of action-continue to fight or to submit.  We can either be the rock that obstructs the flow of the river, or we can be the river flowing gently around the rock.

Think about it.

In Love and Light-Always,

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