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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will make a commitment to unclutter my life and begin manifesting and living the life I want."

Forget your resolutions and make commitments.  Make a list of those things that have been left undone, those things that are hanging over your head from last year, and commit to tying up the loose ends and finally putting them to rest (like that speeding ticket that you haven't paid yet or that phone call you've put off because you are dreading it).

In this way, you unclutter your life and your mind, gain a personal feeling of satisfaction for having finished the task, and can move on to more important things, like living in the present and creating the life you want to live.

I am going to share with you the life I want to live, and I would like your help to bring it into manifestation.  Think about it, and ask Universe to help me make it happen.

I visualize a spiritual enlightenment center called The Spirit Seeds Center for Enlightenment in north central Florida.  I see a big, yellow with white trim, Victorian style home with a wrap around porch filled with wicker chair and tables where visitors can sit and just enjoy the peace, and maybe a tall glass of lemonade or iced tea.

The bottom floor of the house is a lovely shop where visitors can purchase books, music, candles, crystals, and other assorted items.  And upstairs are the offices, mine in particular.

The kitchen is where we can prepare home made beverages and muffins to share with our visitors-for free.

We will feature local artists, and the artists can leave their creations with us on consignment for our visitors to purchase.

On the grounds, to the right of the house, there will be a big circular fountain surrounded by stone walkways and gardens with benches so visitors can sit and just be at peace.

Behind the fountain area is  very large platform with a pergola where visitors can come and do a guided meditation or take a yoga class by a licensed instructor.  Behind all of this, there are woods where we have forged paths and placed benches for visitors to sit and simply enjoy the nature around them (very Walt Whitman).

We will offer, free of charge, programs for disabled children and for the elderly.  Programs like potting small plants that visitor can take home, or like doing simple crafts, perhaps simple yoga moves that are easy for those who are disabled.  Simple food preparation, like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with home made (on premises) peanut butter and fruit preserves and home made bread.  And then each of our visitors can take home a small jar of each and a lovely roll to enjoy later. 

Perhaps a pet program where the children and elderly can interact with dogs and cats.   Or  a reading or story time.

There is so much I want to do, the possibilities are endless.  I have been working on manifesting this for several years, and it would help me if you could put this out to the Universe and help me to bring it into full manifestation.

Thank you, dear friends, thank you.

In Love and Light-Always,

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