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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remind myself that darkness is temporary, and it is the Light that endures."

Darkness is temporary.  Light endures.

Each of us has times when the darkness descends and we find ourselves feeling alone, mired in the muck, feeling hopeless or overwhelmed.  These are the most crucial times to reach out to the Universe for Divine assistance and support.

Universe always hers us.  Universe always supports and assists us.  Our pleas are never not answered. 

During these times, and we all have them, are time of challenge and growth, and once the light reappears, we can look back and see the wisdom we have gained from that dark time. In fact, what we have gained in wisdom and insight will far outweigh the darkness that had descended upon us. 

You may ask, "but why?  Why did I have to experience this?  Why me?"  The very simple answer, simpler than we want it to be, is that this was a time of great learning, a time of progress, of enlightenment.

Open your heart to what Universe has to teach you.  Perhaps you are not happy to have gone through the darkness, but surely, you will be grateful for the wisdom that it has brought.

And always, always, remember:  The darkness is temporary.  It is the Light that endures.

In Love and Light-Always,

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