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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, August 22, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will slow down my pace and find the time for introspection."
A Tarot Story
Part III
It took a great deal of inner strength for him to do this.  Some days he had to tame the lion within, wrestle it to the ground and subdue it.  Other days, it wasn’t inner strength he needed, but physical strength, for the terrain was sometimes demanding or treacherous.
One late afternoon, he found himself stumbling.  He was tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed.  He needed to rest; he needed to regain his strength of body, mind, and spirit. He looked for a place to lay his weary body.
Not far from the path he was following, he saw an impression in the rocky hillside.  It was a small cave.  He found it to be warm and dry and uninhabited.  He thought, “This is a good place to rest.”  He rested there for some days, rejuvenating himself and evaluating his travels.
He thought over how far he had come and how far he still might go.  He thought about all that he had learned and all the skills he had gained.  He began to see a pattern in all of the events that had taken place.  He realized that his journey had been a series of causes and effects, actions and reactions.
After some days, renewed and enlightened, the youth took to the road once again, eager to resume his travels.
There is a time for all things.  There is a time for action and there is also a time for rest.  There is a time for moving forward, and there is a time for staying still. 
As Americans, we are conditioned to go, go, go, rush, rush, rush.  Never stop.  It's always about more, more, more.
But how healthy is this?  It's not.  One must rejuvenate.  One must give himself time to process everything he has learned or done.  It is necessary for us, once in a while, to just withdraw and recoup our losses and refill our energy.  We're like batteries, if we get completely used up, then there is nothing left to give.
So, dear friends, take the time to withdraw, rest, process what has been happening in your life.  By doing this, you are doing yourself a great justice and kindness, and in the end, you will be far better off than if you just keep on going like the Energizer rabbit.
In Love and Light-Always,

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