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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will turn over the helm to my Higher Power and have faith that I am safely navigating through the rough waters."

How do we navigate through rough waters?  With the help of the Universal Source and with angelic assistance. 
The waters of life on which we travel are sometimes rough and turbulent and dangerous, and yet we are safe and find ourselves safely borne into the peaceful and sheltered harbor.
This is because our spiritual captain is always with us to guide us over the waves and into safe harbor.  Look always to your Higher Power.  Ask for help when the waters get rough and tumultuous.  Stick with the faith that all happens as it should and it is our Higher Power who sees us through the difficulty.
Our Higher Power allows difficulties in our lives for one reason only.  To instill in us that Faith counts, that faith in the higher realms brings us the assistance we need.
 The lessons we learn from this turbulence are valuable, and without them how would we ever learn the lessons we need to navigate through life?  So do not ever despair.  Turn to the celestial realm for guidance and assistance  and guidance and assistance will always be there.  Stand firm in your faith in your Higher Power and know that through His unconditional love all will be well.  Amen.

In Love and Light-Always, Robin

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