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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will focus my healing and the healing and raising of the consciousness of the planet."
Yesterday, I asked you to check in today for the guidelines for conducting a Healing Circle
Here is PART I--All of the following steps are the precursor to the actual Healing Circle Meditation.  It is necessary to do all of the above steps to ensure that each person not only remains safe during the meditation, but keeps each person focused on the task and connected to the two powerful sources of earth and sky.  In fact, these steps should be done prior to any meditation you do.
Check in tomorrow for PART II which will be the Healing portion of the entire meditation.
1.  Assemble your group and position yourselves in a circle-standing or sitting makes no difference.  Holding hands or not holding hands is also optional.
2.  Begin by taking some deep breaths, relaxing your body, and clear your mind by letting go of mind chatter.  If your become distracted, then simply redirect your attention to your breathing.  Actively focusing on your breath will help to keep you focused.
3.  Next, Each time  you inhale, you should visualize breathing in white and cleansing light, sending this light throughout your entire body.  Each time you exhale, you should visualize the old and outworn, and any negative energy (including negative feelings) leaving the body.  You may visualize this by imagining it as gray smoke, fog, mist, or ashes rising into the sky, to the Universal Source where it will be cleansed and recycled to you in the form of positive energy.
4.  Then, center, balance yourself by pulling in all of your lost and scattered energy.  You can do this as you breathe in.  With each intake of breath, imagine that your energy is being pulled closer and closer to your physical body until it is concentrated around the body--anywhere from about 2-6 inches around the physical body. 
5.  The next step is to ground yourself.  So this by visualizing yourself standing on the planet, feeling the pulse of green earth energy beneath your feet.  Draw up this green earth energy through the bottom of your feet and let is rise through the legs.  When the green earth energy gets to the base of the spine, it connects and continues to rise through the center of the body and out the top of head where it will continue flow upward until it connects with the Universal Source.
6.  After this, pull down a beam of white Universal Source energy  and let it enter the top of your head.  Let it flow downward through the center of the body.  When it reaches the base of the spine, it divides and flows down each leg, out the bottom of the feet and into the earth.  Let it continue to go downward until it connects with the core of the earth. 
7.  Now, twist the two lights together--the green that is moving upward and the white that is flowing downward.  Wrap them around each other forming a melding, a rope of green white light (like a candy cane).  This melding of green and white light forms an unbreakable bond that keeps you secured to the earth (grounding) and keeps you firmly connected to the Universal Source.
In Love and Light-Always,

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