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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin my journey toward self-partnership and self-union."
Partnership with ourselves is one of most important gifts we can give to ourselves.  Partnership with ourselves is an integration of all of the individual aspects of the self:  mental, emotional, physical, spiritual.  It is a melding of both the conscious and the unconscious.  It is the union of our selves with the Divine.
Instead of spending countless hours concerning yourself with your partnerships with others, turn the focus inward and concern yourself with making yourself whole.  The only way to do this is to partner with yourself.
The way to do this is to withdraw from the chaos of the outside world and seek within yourself for your own Divine identity.  Ask Universe to show you your highest potential and then work toward wholeness.
Keep in mind that the search for Self, is not easy.  It entails confronting those parts of yourself that you have been hiding away, hoping will go away, but just sit in darkness causing you dysfunction and distress and causing you to doubt yourself and your personal path. 
It is necessary to bring those things out into the light and to offer them to Universe for purification and recycling into positive energy that will return to you tenfold.
It is being honest with yourself, seeing your own flaws, owning them, and taking the steps to master them instead of letting them master you.
It is surrendering to the Universe, asking Universe to not only show you the way to self-discovery, but to lead the way.  If you are true to yourself, if you are committed to a balanced partnership with yourself, then your road will recognizably will be laid out before you.  All you have to do is step on it and begin your journey.
The time is right for you to begin now.  A time of transformation is at hand, and Universe encourages you to take up the journey toward self-awareness, self-discovery, and self-union.
In Love and Light-Always,

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