NOW AVAILABLE AT robinmilhollandbooks.com

Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"I am safe and protected from the all mental, emotional or spiritual attack from others."
Yesterday, I shared a breathing and grounding technique that is very successful and important for you keep yourself focused and steadfast.  The more you focus on yourself, on your own thoughts, on your own body, the less you will be open to those of others.
2-Suit of Armor:  Visualize yourself in a complete suit of armor made from a bright and shining metal.  Really focus on the details of the suit of armor.  The more closely detailed you can visualize it, the more effective it will be. Notice the head piece.  See the shield over your face.  You head is completely encased in this protective helmet. (Just for fun, give yourself a lovely feathered plume in the color(s) of your choice attached to the helmet.)
Now, visualize the breast and back plate, clean, shiny, smooth.  See your arms and hands and fingers completely and safely encased in the shiny metal  Look at the legs and feet, also completely protected in the bright and shiny metal. 
Next, visualize the bright sun gleaming on the bright metal and rading a strong and powerful light around you.  The sunlight is so bright that the glare radiates sever feet around your entire body.  This radiating light adds an extra layer of protection.
Finally, and this is optional, look at your predominant hand, if you are right handed, then your right hand, if you are left handed, then your left hand.  You are carrying a sword.  Focus on the details of sword.  Look at the blade, see how it gleams in the sun.  Look at the sharpness of the blade, so sharp it can slice through even the toughest attack. 
Now look at your opposite hand.  You are holding a shield.  Clearly visualize the shape.    See it clearly.  Notice how large it is, but despite its greatness, it is exceptionally light to hold.  In the middle of the shield, is an emblem, an image that represents strength and protection.  This shield can deflect any negativity, thought, feelings that my come in your direction.  It is another insurance against attack.  Now you are completely surrounded and protected from all dangers, negativity, and thoughts and feelings of others. 
As you progress through your day, keep the image of the suit of armor in mind.  it will remind you just how protected you are.
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, November 6, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I understand that as an EMPATH, I need to protect myself from the thoughts and feelings of others."
Being empathic is never easy.  We become subject to all of the stimuli around us and particularly from the thought and feelings of others.  Some days it takes hold of us and just strangles us or overwhelms us.  There is hope, however.  There are protective measures that we can take to safeguard ourselves from the brunt of the attack of stimuli.
Here are a few suggestions to help protect yourself and to deflect some of what comes at you.  If you are a good visualizer, these techniques may come easy to you; however, if you are not a good visualizer, working with these techniques will help to strengthen your visualization capabilities and the more you visualize, the better at it you will become and the safer you will be.
For the next few days, I will share a few protecting techniques.  So be sure to keep visiting to get a variety. Even if you are not empathic, but feel overwhelmed, scattered, or feel as if you are being attacked mentally, emotionally, spiritually, you can use these effective techniques.
Beginning:  for each of the techniques you learn begin in this way.  Close your eyes, put your feet flat on the floor, breathe deeply-in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Relax.  Do this several times until you feel the tension leaving your body and your thought process slows down.
1-Grounding:  Once you feel relaxed and focused, visualize yourself standing on the planet and feel the pulse of the earth under your feet and radiating up through your body.  Let the powerful energy of the earth which is green, rise up through the bottom of your feet and travel through your entire body.  let the green light fill you completely and then let a beam of light travel out of the top of your head and up into the sky and connect with the sun. 
Let the warm and light of the sun shine down upon you,.  Let the sunlight enter the top of your head and travel through your body.  Let it completely fill you and flow out the bottom of your feet and deep into the earth's core  let these powerful energies completely flow through you-the green coming up and sunlight, white light, flowing down.  Mix them together, fuse them.  By doing this, it increases their energy and the mixed energy will keep you firmly anchored to the earth and connected to the healing power of the sun.
Do this every day.  Morning is best as it will set you on a safe and focused path.  Anytime during the day, when you are feeling scattered or overwhelmed, take a moment to breathe and repeat the exercise.
Please return tomorrow for more techniques and strategies for keeping yourself grounded and safe. 
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I better understand EMPATHY and will share what I know with others."
We have finally made it to the end of the list of Empath Markers.  Here are the final five items that may suggest that what you are feeling and experiencing is natural for you because you are, indeed, empathic.  Tomorrow's blog will discuss the ways that you can shield yourself from all of the pulses of energy around you.  This will keep you more balanced and steady and more capable of waling your path without carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders or hiding under the covers.
26-Digestive issues/lower back discomfort-within the etheric body sits the chakras, the centers of energy that govern the different aspects of our lives (see blog entries on this subject).  The solar plexus chakra, the one that sits over the stomach is the center for our intuition, our sense of knowingness.  As a result, because you are so intuitive, the solar plexus gets slammed with a barrage of outside vibration.  This onslaught of vibration from all around may cause you to suffer periodic digestive problems.  If you have seen a doctor, he/she may have told you that there is no real cause for the issue and that perhaps you just have a sensitive stomach and digestive tract.  Additionally, at the base of the spine sits the root chakra, the center for basic necessities as well as a collection point for negative feelings such as anger, resentment, jealousy, etc.  As you absorb the negativity around you, it goes right into the root chakra, and as the root chakra fills with negativity, the discomfort in the lower back grows. 
27-Detecting dishonesty-As an empathy, you are probably very good (or very bad) at detecting individuals who are charlatans-those who are fake and phony and lie about their true identities.  You may not be able to put your finger on exactly who or what they are, but you sense, you know there is much more to them than they let on.  It is important for you to trust your gut on this because you want to believe the best about people and want to trust them, but sometimes you get fooled and when you do, you get hurt. 
28-Magnet for others problems-There may be times when you ask yourself, "Why does everybody always come to me to offload their problems?"  Well, they come to you because they sense in you your strong sympathy and understanding.  Those in need will always find you.  They will become attached to you.  So be very careful to shield yourself from these people and limit your contact.
29-Intolerance for egocentrism-Although you are very kind, patient, and tolerant of others, those who display undue arrogance, pride, egotism, and conceit repel you.  These people give off a very strong, negative energy that says, "It's all about me and never about you."  This type of thinking and energy is enough to cause you disgust, physical symptoms, or cause you to totally avoid the person all together-good move, stay away.
30-Sensitivity to food and/or days of the week-You may suffer from food allergies or have a "sensitive stomach."  You may also tend to move into a more vegetarian diet because you may be able to pick up the vibration of the animal that provided the food.  Also, you may have an sensitivity to "feeling" the days of the week.  Even without a calendar, you can just "feel" when it is Monday or Thursday or Sunday.  Each day of the week has a vibration all its own, and you can feel the nuances of these daily vibrations.  Also, you may pick up other people's attitudes and feelings about that particular day.
The list is finally complete.  Feel free to share these posts with friends.  If you suspect that you or someone close to you may be empathic, it is a good idea to peruse the list and check yourself against it.  Your question about your hyper-sensitivity may finally be answered.
Starting tomorrow, I will post a series of entries that address the ways that you can alleviate some of the discomfort that come along with being able to pick up so much information.  Be well, see you tomorrow.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, November 2, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I more confident in my sensitivities, and trust in myself."
And so we find ourselves at Empath Markers 21-25.  Not  all EMPATHS possess all thirty markers.  If you have experienced at least ten, then there is a very good chance that you are an EMPATH.  Once this series of blog entries on Empath Markers is complete, I will provide you with information on how you can help yourself to block out some of the thoughts and feelings that may bombard you.  Please return for this vital information.
Empath Markers 21-25
21-Avoiding Mass Media-Because you have such a high sensitivity to the suffering of others, you may be overly affected by what you see on television, movies, and in newspapers, particularly shows/stories that contain violence, cruelty, or tragedy, especially if it is directed toward those who cannot defend themselves such as children, animals, and women.  It is not a surprise then that you may be avoiding television and movies all together.
22-Love of Nature & Animals-You feel a strong connection to the outdoors.  The outdoors, being in a natural environment rejuvenates you and gives you peace and serenity.  You may be fond of activities like walking on the beach or in the woods, spending time by the seaside, in the mountains, or in the forest.  These environments bring you back to you center and help to cleanse the negativity from your system.  In regard to animals, you may feel a very close connection to all wildlife and may be one of those individuals who love having pets close to you.  You and your pet(s) understand each other perfectly, and your pet(s) bring you the unconditional love and peace that you  need to thrive.
23-Truth-You have a deep seated need to know and seek the truth.  You are a seeker of knowledge and information to support what you know is true and will support what you know it true.  You also have a strong desire to see the truth revealed and justice done.  As a result, you may sometimes be targeted because those who are not honest, truthful, or just want to silence your voice.  There may be times that you put yourself at risk for the sake of seeing justice done.
24-Strong Attraction to the Metaphysical-Because you are a seeker of knowledge, you  may be attracted to the different facets of metaphysics. You may seek to develop a deeper spiritually and a  stronger connection to your Higher Power.  You may also seek instruction on healing others such as Reiki or acupuncture or aromatherapy or holistic remedies. Other areas that may draw your attention are astrology, divination (reading cards, stones, etc. as a means of discovering information about yourself or for others), meditation, discovering/understanding your past lives, crystal or stone work.  you may always be seeking for the next higher principle or skill.
25-Sensing the seasons-You may be one of those empaths that can, regardless of the media hype of the oncoming season, sense the "change in the air" that signals the turn of seasons.  You may experience a heighten sense of excitement, feel invigorated, feel a sense of loss.  Although the change of the season may not yet be visible, you can tell that the change is coming. 
So, are you becoming more convinced that you are an empathy?  If you are still not so sure, then return for tomorrow's next segment of markers 26-30.
Peace be with you.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider other behaviors that may indicate that I am an EMPATH."
Glad to have you back!  This series of entries deals specifically with EMPATY.  Thus far, we have gone through half the list of 30 EMPATH markers.
These markers indicate the common characteristics that EMPATHS possess.  If at least 10 of the markers describe you, then the chances that possess empathic abilities.
Empath Markers 16-20
16-Boredom & Distraction-You tire easily of monotonous activities and require a high level of stimulation and interest in order to keep from getting distracted.  This distraction often leads to daydreaming or to bouncing from one activity to another.  If you have to sit for long periods of time, for example, at a meeting, in school, in church, at a lecture, then the chances are that you become very antsy and have to get up and move around.  Additionally, you may end up just doodling on your paper.
17-Listener-People are generally drawn to you because you are an active listener and will listen to what they have to say, especially if they have a troubling problem or issue.
18-Moody or Detached-Because it is so easy to become overwhelmed by his/her own feelings and issues as well as those of others, you may find it necessary to completely shut down and block out all, including your own, distractions.  You may become quiet and detached, and as a result, some people may call you moody or aloof.  You may also swing easily from one mood to another mood at a moment's notice.  This is because of the bombardment of outside stimuli.  Also, you may experience intensified emotions-when you are down, you feel really down.  When you are happy, you are really happy.  When you are frustrated, you feel really frustrated.
19-Addictive Personality-In order to block out your intense feelings and the feelings of others, you may turn to behavior that is addictive.  This is an attempt to protect yourself from so much stimuli.  Beware of alcohol and drugs, for these are most debilitating.  Almost any excessive activity/behavior can be addictive, so be careful and be  cognizant of what you turn to as a method of distraction and protection.  As for me, I throw myself into crafting; I just get myself into a frenzy, and focus so intently on the craft to the exclusion of all else. 
20-Avoid pre-owned items-You may not want pre-owned items in your home.  You may avoid antique shops, thrift shops, and vintage shops.  The energy that emanates from these pre-owned things affects you and makes you uncomfortable.  As for myself, I do enjoy antiquing, but have to be very selective of where I go, and only purchase certain kinds of items.  Others freak me out. 
So, dear friends, consider these traits and see if any of them ring true for you.  See you tomorrow with markers 21-25.
Be blessed, always.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I deepen my understand of EMPATHY."
EMPATH-a person who has a paranormal ability to apprehend the physical, mental, or emotional state of another individual.
EMPATHY-the ability to understand and share the thoughts, emotions, and physical state of another.
Thanks for returning today for Empath Markers 11-15.
11-Fatigue-You are inexplicably tired all the time.  You lack energy, and to get up off the sofa or get yourself moving is a major task.  This is caused by the absorption of too much energy from the outside world and its people.  Also, empaths are often easy targets for those who are referred to as "energy vampires."  These are people who easily drain you of your energy because of their neediness, negativity, or psychopathy.
12-Creativity and Artistry-You are highly creative and may enjoy activities like painting, drawing, dancing, sewing, quilting, gardening, crafting, cooking, writing, woodworking, building, crocheting, knitting, et al.  Empaths love to create and love the art brought to life through their creative talents.  Engaging in the creative and artistic is an outlet for many empaths.  These activities allow you to relax, find peace, disengage from the troubles of the outside world, and bring to life something of beauty in a sometimes not-so-beautiful world. 
13-Freedom, Adventure, and/or Travel-You treasure freedom and enjoy doing your own thing regardless of how others feel about it.  You may not like being tied down to a set of rules, a place, a person.  You may enjoy walking in the woods, window shopping, doing something risky like parachuting or mountain climbing or parasailing.  You may also like to travel to new places and see the beauty the world has to offer.  Additionally, traveling from your current home allows you the opportunity to let go (even if for a little while) the burden of your home, family, friends, job, responsibilities.  You probably more enjoy less populated places like the seaside or the mountains.
14-Champion-You champion the underdog, or as the saying goes, "bring home the strays."  You hate to see anyone suffer from any lack or from any illness-mental, physical, emotional, spiritual.  You will usually be drawn to these people or animals, and want to help.
15-Control-You may detest being controlled either by others, rules, routine.  You may rebel against any of these, either aggressively or passive aggressively.  You dislike being forced into anything, especially if runs contrary to your belief system.  Anything that removes or threatens your personal, emotional, physical, or spiritual freedom may become abhorrent to you.
So, there you are.  The first 15 of 30 EMPATH markers.  I will continue to post the other markers over the next couple of day, so come back for the next grouping of numbers 16-20.
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, October 30, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will closely monitor myself for the markers of EMPATHY."
Welcome back!  As you may recall, yesterday's entry dealt with EMPATHY, and provided the 5 most common markers of being an EMPATH.  Today's entry provides you with 5 additional markers.  Remember, the more markers you experience, the more likely it is that you are an EMPATH.
6-Clutter & Chaos Disturbs-You detest clutter, and disorganization makes you feel helpless, overwhelmed, and frustrated.  You have a need for order and organization.  Purging non-used items makes you feel better.  It helps you to lighten the load.  You may also feel better when reorganizing the closets, the garage, the kitchen cabinets, the drawers.  Doing this give you control and makes you feel better.  You also may be drawn to boxes, bins, baskets:  these are places to store things and create greater organization.
7-Search for Answers-You are always searching for the "why" of things.  Not having answers, even to simple questions, is frustrating.  You have a desire to know/understand "why" people do what they do, or "how" someone could do such a thing, or "what" has motivated someone to act in such a manner.  Having answers gives you a sense of safety and control.  You  may not agree with the answers, but you would rather have the answer than not have the answer.
8-Weight Gain-Inexplicably, you have put on some pounds, few or many.  This is either confusing, frustrating, or both.  You are not necessarily overeating, but the weight seems attracted to you.  You may have said things like "I just look at cake and put on five pounds."  This weight gain is the body's way of insulating you from the harsh outside world.  The extra weight also helps to ground you, keep you stable, and protect you.  The weight is like armor.  It stops the negativity of others from having full impact on you.
9-Dreaming and Daydreaming-You often escape into the world of dreams through sleep or daydreaming as a way of leaving behind the harsh realities of your situation.  This makes you feel better.  You may also have an imaginary "safe house"-a place in your imagination where you go when things become overwhelming.  (Mine is a big yellow house or a deserted beach on a sunny day).  Napping/sleeping may be attractive to you because it allows you time to escape into non-reality instead of dealing with reality.
10-Lack of Enjoyment=Lack of Motivation-You have a difficult time doing tasks that you hate, and you lack the motivation to get the task done.  The tasks you hate are those that you feel overwhelmed by.  You also may hate to participate and find little enjoyment in activities that make you feel like a hypocrite.  These activities run contrary to your belief system and being forced into participating, brings you anger and feelings of helplessness.  Additionally, because you dislike certain tasks or activities, others may label you antisocial, lazy, stubborn, idle.
Come back tomorrow for Empath Markers 11-15.
In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will wrap myself in a bubble of protection to avoid absorbing the feelings of others."
Some of you might be struggling with an overwhelming bombardment of feelings and thoughts whenever you are among a group of people:  at gatherings, in the supermarket, at special events, et al.
Perhaps these experiences are painful for you, and as a result, you avoid them whenever you can.
You may also be experiencing digestive issue, sensitivity to television programming (especially if it is violent or overly emotional), you may avoid the nightly news because of this;  you may also experience bouts of fatigue, need solitude frequently to recharge, carry extra weight without overeating, and my experience moodiness with can include a sense of disconnectedness.
Have you considered that you might be an EMPATH?  An EMPATH is a person that is extremely oversensitive to the emotions of others, and as a result, actually absorbs the feelings of others.  This is very different that being sympathetic in that a sympathetic person may feel badly about a situation, but an EMPATH actually feels the exact feelings that others are experiencing.
As for myself, I can do a decent job of shutting out others' feelings, but when it comes to my children, my daughter, in particular, I seem to always absorb whatever she is feeling.  When I experience unexplained feelings or physical symptoms, and I cannot account for them in my own current experience, I always have to check with her and see where she is emotionally.  Most of the time, it is her feelings that I am feeling.
There are 30 markers that are common among EMPATHS.  The more of them one experiences, the greater the chances that one is an EMPATH.
The next several entries will address these markers 5 at a time.  Read them carefully.  They could apply to you.  Perhaps not all apply, but if have at least ten (10), then the chances are pretty good this could be you and be an answer to why you feel the way you do.
EMPATH MARKERS 1-5 (starting with the most common)
1-A Sense of Knowingness-You just know things.  You don't know how you know, but you just know.  It is greater than intuition.  It is as if you had always known what you know.  The more attuned a person is, the stronger the gift of knowingness gets.
2-Feeling Feelings-You experience unexplained feelings.  These feelings are hard to pinpoint because what you may be experiencing in your own life doesn't really have anything to do with the feelings you are experiencing.  These feelings belong to others and you have, like a sponge, absorbed them.
3-Feeling Illness-You experience physical symptoms of illness when there is no logical reason for feeling this way.  Most empaths unconsciously desire to help others and relieve their pain, so the empathy takes on the illness so that the other does not have to suffer it.  This is particularly true with people whom we love.   (This happens to me a lot with those close to me, especially (in the past-my mother) my children.
4-Need for Alone Time-You may feel a frequent need to withdraw from others to rest, to sit, to be quiet, to nap, to not talk to anyone.  Being an empathy is draining, especially if you are dealing with large groups of people at one time like in your job.  After times of great interaction, an empathy needs time to recharge physical and emotional batteries, and so this is why you may need to seek some solitude.  You are not antisocial, you are exhausted!
5-Avoiding Crowds-You may generally shy away from large groups like parties, celebrations, concerts, graduations, holiday shopping, the gym, anywhere where there will be pressing humanity.  This is because you are a large radio antennae and pick up "signals" from everybody.  These "signals" may cause you to feel claustrophobic and anxious.  As a result, you avoid the whole situation.  You may also feel deep guilt at declining an invitation because you just can't stand the thought of a crowd.
Check back tomorrow for the next five markers.
In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will ask for healing of my internal handicaps."

A message from the Archangels of Healing

"It is easy to see those who are physically handicapped.  They are blind or deaf or have an amputated limb, and when we see this, our hearts are filled with sympathy and compassion for them.  But what about the handicaps we cannot see?  Are these outwardly invisible handicaps any less tragic?  No, they are more so.

Those with external handicaps can relearn to live life and live a productive and happy life if they choose.  But the emotional paralysis or the emotional blindness or emotional deafness or the emotional amputation is the real handicap.

You may not suffer from the external.  You may walk and talk and see and hear, but what about the inside of you?  Have you considered that?

A handicap is anything which prevents you from approaching life in true and healthy form.  But consider this:  There are far fewer physically handicapped persons on your planet than there are emotionally and spiritually handicapped ones.

If you say the word, if you say, "Help me," We will rush into y our life and bring mighty healing. 

The time right in the planetary alignment for healing to be accelerated .  Now would be the time to work toward your healing process.  The power of healing energy is magnified muchfold and great progress can be made.

Ask for Universal help in this way:  "I ask that Universe open my heart and mind and eyes to those handicaps that need healing.  I open my heart and mind and eyes to this healing power and accept this healing power in my life.  I ask this in the name of all that good and true and pure in the Universe, for my highest good and the highest good of others."

If you ask, Universe will provide.  Remember, the time is ripe for the radiation and amplification of healing energy.  Take part this Universal process at this most auspicious time.


In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I call upon the Universe and the Archangels of Healing to support my healing process."

Message from the realm of the Archangels:

Prepare yourself for the healing process.  Universe supports your healing.

Those of us in the Angelic realm are here to guide you with  your healing process.  It is right and just that you should heal.  In this way, you may live a life of hope and peace and harmony.

It is not timely that you should live out your life in anguish and then carry that anguish into the next lifetime, for in the next lifetime, you will have to confront it again.

Universe's  lesson for you in this lifetime is letting go.  Imagine a balloon filled to its maximum, filled to bursting with air.  Now apply this to yourself.  You are the balloon filled to maximum with anger and self pity and hatred and resentment.  How long will you exist in this condition before you finally explode?

Is this your goal?  Is this what you are working toward in order to "pay back" those who have hurt you?  Are you trying to teach them a lesson?

No, dear people.  This is not a lesson.  This is foolishness.  The real lesson is that you begin to deflate the balloon a little at a time until all of the pressure is gone, all of the negativity that you have internalized for so long is gone.

Reach out to the Universe and to the Archangels of Healing  for this mission of letting go.

It has never been Universe's intention that you live with fear and pain.  It is Universe's gift that you live with peace and joy.

The greatest gift that Universe has provided for man is free will.  The will to let go and move forward with his spiritual quest.  And part of that quest is to confront and conquer the pain within and cultivate self love.

Universe want you to  know that YOU are NOT responsible in any way for the pain inflicted upon you.  This is strictly the responsibility of the one who has hurt you, and this one will be held accountable and will have to face his own karma, but do not rob yourself because someone has robbed you.

Survive and live a true life. 

Universe and its angels are waiting.  We are at your disposal to assist you and support  you in this quest for wholeness.

Choose wholeness, for living whole is far more rewarding than living fractured.

Be blessed now and always.  Pick up the pieces of yourself and life and begin to live as you were meant:  with JOY.

Take up the challenge and LIVE, dear ones.  We love you now and always for our love is unlimited.

In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I choose healing."
Sometimes we cling to our pain for so long that it becomes like an old friend.  We talk to it and nurture it and harbor it deep inside.  It becomes part of us, and we are reluctant to let it go.
But, for how long will you carry the burden of misery?  Isn't it time to finally, once and for all, make peace with yourself and find some serenity and joy?
The damage that others cause us is not irreparable.  Yes, we are damaged, but there comes a time when we must move past it, forcibly put it behind us, and HEAL.
The primary and poignant question is:  Do you really want to heal?  or do you want to continue a downward spiral into oblivion?  Choose HEALING.  Please choose healing.
Others may have been responsible for your pain, but only YOU are responsible for your HEALING.
If you say, "I can't let go, I've been hurt too badly," then you have already made the decision to go on ad infinitum as a victim.  Your aggressor has won, has a tenable hold on you forever.  Is this what you want, to be a lifetime victim?  If so, have at it! 
But if you decide that a person or experience will no longer keep you in a strangle hold, then begin to extricate yourself from the those feelings.
It is not easy to heal, but the rewards of healing far outweigh the constant pain.  Yes, you will have to confront that pain to let it go.  Yes, it can hurt, but then you can release it. 
Yes, you may have to take a deep look inside yourself and confront your own issues.  Sometimes we have to break ourselves down to rebuild ourselves.  WE ARE ALL WORTH REBUILDING!
Dear friends, I am concerned for you.  I want so badly that you live a life of freedom from those issues and people who have hurt you.  But you have got to do it! I cannot do it for you.  Seek professional assistance if you must.
It is ok to be afraid, but courage is recognizing the fear and moving on nonetheless.  Let this day's blog help you to move on with your life.  I support you.  Universe supports you.  Turn to Universe for courage to move through your issues and once and for all, HEAL.
In Love and Light-Always,

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will make a commitment to begin letting go of my negative feelings and cultivate peace."
All we are looking for is a little peace.  Peace resides within us, but we will never achieve it if we don't give up those things that interfere with peace.
Anger and resentment and hatred are mighty emotions, and as long as we hold onto those so vehemently, we can never achieve any sense of peace.
It takes so much time and a tremendous amount of energy to hold on so tightly so many negative feelings.  For some reason, we just can't or won't give them up.  But if we do not begin to let go of these, then these will ultimately manifest into our physical selves and .  These negative emotions are like a cancer.  They grow and grow and grow and before we realize that we have done this to ourselves, we are so toxic that the road back to health is long and difficult.
Heal yourself.  Do you really want to go on for the rest of your life clutching blame and anger?  Do you want to continue to wrap anger and resentment around you like a blanket in which you will suffocate?
When then, to do hold so tightly to it.  Does your anger and hatred comfort you?  Does it make you feel righteous?  perhaps you are not seeking the right kind of comfort and righteousness.  Just think about it.
No one can improve your life except you.  If you want to finally achieve happiness, then begin letting go of those things that prevent it. 
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, October 5, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will break my day into small manageable bits so that I do not become overwhelmed."

Some days it is just hard to get ourselves moving.  These are the day that we need to stop focusing on the entirety of the day and just focus on one small task at a time.  For example, focus on just getting out of bed and doing your normal hygiene routine.  Then move to the next activity like getting into the shower or making the coffee or putting on your clothes or your make up or shaving.

Breaking down your day helps to keep you from getting overwhelmed.  It creates small doable tasks instead of one gigantic day.  If you can do this, break your day into manageable bits, you may find it less difficult to move through your day without freaking out or giving up.

Once your required activities are done, like getting home from your job or finishing dinner or bathing the kids, sit for a few minutes and look back and see all of the things that you did that you did not think your could accomplish.

It will give you a sense of accomplishment and relief that the day was done. Don't forget to reward yourself with something meaningful like going to bed early or reading a chapter from one of your favorite books or playing a game on your computer.

We all have days like this, I am having one myself today, and so this blog is a reminder to myself what I need to do for myself to make my day manageable. 

Don't despair, just do one thing at a time, deep your focus on doing the task at hand, and move through it.  The day will progress, I promise, and soon it will come to a close.

In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will choose one thing that I have been putting off and get it done."
So, what have you been putting off?  What areas of your life are you not taking care of?  Pretending that a situation does not exist does not make it go away, so why are you turning your back on it and putting off dealing with it?
I know, I really do.  You feel overwhelmed by it.  You don't know what to do.  You don't know where to start.  You feel frustrated and anxious.
But ignoring the necessity of taking care of business is only prolonging that feeling of being overwhelmed, only elongating the anxiety and frustration.
Start NOT looking at the big picture and projecting every scenario over and over again.  Choose one, only one, aspect of the situation, and deal with that.  In doing so, you oil the wheel, so to speak, and what was stuck begins to move.  Once the wheel starts to turn, then it forces into motion all other parts of the machinery.
Begin with something small like making the phone call or the appointment or whatever else takes little time and energy.  Do it and let it be done.  Then continue the process.
You may notice that the one small step you make is just enough to bring about a whole new set of options, some which you may not have even thought of.  And these options may reduce the anxiety you feel and increase your confidence and your desire to continue the process.
Many times, once we get going and see progress, it encourages us to continue, and with each step of the process, what we had been putting off, runs its course and finally comes to an end.
So, friends, pick something, and start the process in motion.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will embrace HOPE, and trust my Higher Power to provide what I need."

In both the novel and the film The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien, there is a scene in which a very meager Rohan army is completely surrounded by a vast army of its enemies, and it seems impossible that the Rohirrem will survive.  One of the characters says, "They say we will die.  They say there is not hope."  Aragorn, the main character then replies, "There is always hope."  Hope does manifests in additional troops, and ultimately, the enemy is vanquished and the Rohirrem carry to day to victory.
There is always HOPE.  The day may seem long, our enemies many, and the situation desperate, but HOPE is always there. 
It is HOPE that has sustained us many times.  Think about how many times you felt alone, desperate, and frustrated, and how all of you wanted to give in, give up,  but you didn't.  You held on to that small flicker of belief that everything was going to be o.k.  This is HOPE.
HOPE is the small flickering light that remains eternally lit within our heats and minds and spirits.  It is a gift that has been given to us from Universe.  It is a reminder to us that there is no situation that cannot be overcome.  So, dear friends, never, ever lose HOPE. 
Embrace HOPE even in the darkest hour.  Know that Universe would not have brought you to this place if it did not intend to intervene.  The Universal intervention may not be what we want, but it will be what Universe deems and what Universe knows we needs. 
So, TRUST the Universe and embrace HOPE, always.
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, October 2, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will answer the call and walk the Path of Light."
The Angels of the Brotherhood have an important message that they would like me to share with you this morning:

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the World:

We know that you are concerned about all of the evil that exists in your world.  But fear not, evil shall not come to you.  Stay aligned with Spirit, and you will always be safe. 

Reignite your Spiritual Self by reaching out to the All the Power That Is in the Universe.

Your Higher Power loves you and protects you from all great harm.

And even though evil exists, it shall not overpower you.  In the end, and there is no end, Goodness always triumphs over Evil.

More and more individuals are being called to walk the Path of Light.  These new Lightworkers will need instruction and support, so those of you with talents and expertise in the Light Path, shall provide for these newcomers, all that they need to understand the dynamics of the Spirit Path.

This is a time of great change, of great shift in the Universe.  Those who have lived many lives are choosing to return to spirit form at the end of t his lifetime.  Many, who have not incarnated before, are choosing to incarnate, meaning that they are taking on human form for the first time.  These are wise and talented souls but with little experience with being in the human body.

Empaths, Healers, Seers, Readers, Mediums and all Light Workers are among you.  Come together to create healing groups and do the work together.  In this way the energy expands and much more can be done on the planet.

Never despair.  The Universal Light surrounds you and protects you.  Walk the Walk  and do not be afraid to Talk the Talk.

Those who are called will answer.  You yourself are called.  Shall you answer?  Do.

Take up the journey in the name of the Universal Light that never fails.

In the name of All That Is.    Go forth and bring the Light to others.  Be well.  We love you tremendously.  Go now and walk your walk and talk your talk.  Be a magnet for Light.  Amen.

This is the message from the Brotherhood.  It is my pleasure to bring it to you today.

In Light and Love-Always,

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will embrace the unconditional love that Universe has for me."
Above all else, Love.
Love begins with acceptance.  It involves a willingness to say, "Even with all your human flaws, I accept you."  When we say this, we do not put conditions on our love; thus, unconditional love.
This is the type of love that we have for our children.  This is the type of love our pets have for us.  It is love with no strings attached. 
It is the love, in the greatest of proportions, that Universe gives us.
We should understand that this love exists in Universe.  That our Higher Power gives us this love freely, regardless of what we have done, where we have been, and where we are going.
It is a love of great compassion, forgiveness, and understanding.
Walk through your day today reminding yourself that you are loved.  Your are loved in the most powerful of ways, in the most unshakable of ways. 
Universe's love for you, for all of us, never wavers.  It is steady and true and constant and nonjudgmental.
Open your mind to embrace this idea of Universe's unconditional love for you.  Open your heart to feel and accept and receive Universe's love for you.
The Beatles sang, "All you need is Love.  All you need is Love, Love.  Love is all there is.  Love is all there is."
In Light and Love-Always,

Monday, September 28, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today I reclaim ownership of my own life."

Don't settle.

Stop believing that you life is as good as it gets.  Don't settle for less than you deserve to have.

When you shrug your shoulders and say, "whatever" and settle for the way things are, you abdicate responsibility for your life.  You relinquish control over your life.  You become a victim of your own life.

Don't do it!  Don't do it!

Realize that you, and you alone, are in charge in living your life, are responsible for your own living.

It if sucks, you have a responsibility to yourself to make it better.  Seek out ways to make it better, to make you better so that you are more capable of running your own show.

And it is your show, really it is.  Other people's lives may intersect with yours, but you are the ringmaster of your own circus!

Ruminate on this, really, really think about it.  Accept it.  Say to yourself, "I am in control of my own life."  Say it as often as you need to begin believing it, to accept believing it.

Pick up the baton, and conduct the orchestra of your life.  Let your life vibrate with your own choices, the ones you make for yourself and not the ones others choose for you.

It's ok to say, "I can do it myself.  I am capable of doing it myself."  Remember, life is a process.  It is indeed a process to begin thinking for yourself, changing your thinking about your life, and ultimately, taking ownership and responsibility for your own life.

But you deserve, we all deserve, to own our own lives.  To rejoice in our successes and to mourn at our failures. 

In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, September 27, 2015

 Today's Affirmation
"Today, like Thoreau, I will live deeply and suck the marrow out of life."

              "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential          
              facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to        
              die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so       
              dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to       
              live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to        
              put to rout all that was not life..." --Henry David Thoreau from Walden
This is one of the most impacting quotes from one of my favorite authors.  It brings us to the brink of living, true living, and challenges us to make a choice between simply existing or truly experiencing our process.
Thoreau literally went into the woods, but he also willfully and consciously went into his own heart and mind and contemplated what he needed to begin living deliberately. 
The difference between living mindfully and living deliberately is that living mindfully implies awareness, being aware of what you are doing and how you are doing it.  Deliberateness implies purpose.  Living with purpose, taking action, being in charge of your life in order to give it meaning and significance.
As for me, I do want to live with awareness, I do want to live deliberately. I want to know, really know, myself, know what I feel, know what I believe. I want to make everything I do count for something, whether it is transferring knowledge to my students or sharing wisdom with my readers or participating and helping to create family unity.  I want to write books and create a prospering craft business and open a retreat center and meditate and heal and be happy and watch my children become masters of their own lives.  I want it all! 
I want to "go into the woods" and "suck the marrow" out of life and live sturdily and deliberately.
Consider for yourself.  Are you willing to "go into the woods" and "suck the marrow" out of life?  If so, then what are you waiting for? 

In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will ask Universe to help cultivate mindfulness, simplicity, and to reawaken me."

Mindfulness, simplicity, and reawakening.
Wake up, stop slumbering.  Open your eyes, sleepy one.  See life in its true form.  See where you stand on the earth.  Look behind you, what do you see?  Look ahead, what do you see?
Where do you want to be?  And why are you still standing here?  Choose a path and take it.
The world is yours and you can go wherever you want to.  Follow your intuition.  It is simple. 
Following your intuition can bring you mindfulness.  It can bring simplicity.  It brings you reawakening.
Ask Universe to open your heart and mind  and fill your spirit.  If you ask, then Universe will answer.  With Universe's help, you can achieve anything.  All is possible.  Yes, you will have to do the work, but Universe makes it possible for us to do the work.  Universe puts into our paths all that is needed to progress, all that is needed for our reawakening.
Say this to Universe, "Universe, make me mindful of my living and my process.  Help me to simplify my life,.  Reawaken my spirit so that I can reach my full potential."
Say this every day, multiple times a day.  Write it on a card and keep it in your pocket if you have to.  Post it in you locker or on your desk or on the bathroom mirror.  The more you see it, the more you say it, the more you believe it, the more is manifests in your life.
Make the decision today to live mindfully, to live simply, and to reawaken to your own spiritual process.

In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, September 25, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will consider living a simpler life."

"Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!" -Henry David Thoreau
Ah, to live a simple life!  Don't we all want to live an uncomplicated life?  What does it mean to live simply, to live an uncomplicated life?
Living simply means doesn't necessarily mean to give up your current and go off and live in a cabin in the woods, but for those who find this appealing, then maybe it does mean this!  In fact, I do find the idea very appealing, but unfortunately, impractical.
So, if we are not going to give up our creature comforts then how do we create simplicity?
The answer is simple: If we change our point of view that life has to be hard, that life has to be complicated, that life involves constant struggle, then we are half way there.
Consider what you need in your life, not what you want, but what you need to meet the requirements. 
Do you really need to keep all that stuff in your basement and attic?  Is it serving any purpose or is it just stuff that you have been hanging onto because it has "memories"?  Look, the memories are not in stuff, they are in your heart and mind.  Let go of the stuff and treasure the memories.
Do you really need to accumulate more stuff?  Isn't the stuff you have enough?  Yes, ok, so your current sofa is a mess and you need a new one, so go buy a new sofa, but don't forget to throw the other one away.  When you bring something new into your home, get rid of something of equal weight. 
Do you really need to keep those who bring you grief and pain?  Get rid of them.  Simplify your relationships.  How can you get rid of them?  Unfriend them or limit contact with them or eliminate them completely by severing ties.
Do you really need to hang onto fear, anxiety, pain, disappointment, resentment, bitterness, hatred, low self esteem, feelings of inadequacy?  NO, (excuse the expression, but) HELL NO!  How are clinging to these making your life simple?  They are not.  Work your way through them, ask Universe to help you, seek out a professional, make amends (and don't forget to make amends to yourself), forgive, accept, join a 12 step program if you need to, but simplify your life by moving on once and for all.
Do you really need to be at the beck and call of every person in your life?  No, learn to say, "No, I'm sorry I just can't do that."  And don't feel guilty about it.  Put yourself first for a change.
yes, it does sound simple, but in order to create simplicity, we need to untangle the mess we have created for ourselves first.  Once we have cleaned out, let go, we will have less to manage.  It will take vigilance to keep to a simple life.  It takes work to create a simple life.  But working hard to maintain a simple life is far better than overworking to maintain a complicated life.  Think about it.
If you are on board, if you are tired of complication, if you really are committed to creating simplicity, then take action.  Do one thing at a time.  Creating simplicity is a process like any other.  Pick something with which to begin, like cleaning out a closet or a drawer or the garage.  Do one thing at a time, and when it is finished, really finished, then move on to something else.
Cleaning out your life, brings a freshness, room to grow and breathe.  When you have this space available, the Universe can move in in a mighty way bring you all that you need. 

In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin living mindfully."

Each year we are given the opportunity for personal growth.  As the seasons evolve, so should we.  Look to nature for your cues. 
Think of the bear.  He is a perfect example of mindful living:  In the fall he prepares for hibernation and the upcoming season.  In the winter, he rests.  In the spring, he begins again.  In the summer, he enjoys the bounty of the season.
If we live as the bear does, in fall, setting our lives in order, in winter, resting and planning, in spring, feeling renewed and ready to put our plan into action, and in summer, reaping the benefits of the process, then we will be living mindfully.
Mindful living is one of the best actions we can take in order to do ourselves a good service.  Each day when you awaken, say to yourself, "Today, I will live with mindfully."  Be fully aware of what you are thinking, what you are doing, how you are acting, what type of energy you are bringing into your day.
Let today be your first day of living mindfully.

In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will begin examining what needs to "fall" away from my life."
For all things, there is a season.  Happy Fall Equinox! 
Fall has begun.  Today is the first day.  Make the most of it.  Meditate on what needs to fall from you life in order for it to be more productive and enriching.
Examine the areas of your life:  relationships, job/career, finances, health.  See where you can eliminate those things that have diminished or have become outmoded.  Make a plan to leave behind what no longer serves you.  Look to the upcoming spring 2016 as a time of growth and prepare for it now.
Set all things in order  in your life.
2016 is a keystone year for many.  It is the year in which big changes will take place.  There is lots of movement in the upcoming year, and the best way to prepare, is to begin shedding what is no longer useful to you.
Use this fall season for that purpose:  to examine, reevaluate, and shed.  Before you know it, winter will be here.  It will be a time to hibernate, meaning that the events in your life may seem to stagnate.  Don't fight it.  Let it play out.  Invest the winter in thinking and planning, especially for spring where you will see the payoff of your fall and winter season. 
There is no time like the present season to make embrace a deliberate plan for your future.  Remember:  Fall-analyze, reevaluate, shed, release.  Winter-rest, gather your thoughts, make a plan.  Spring-put your plan into action, see the outcome of fall and winter preparation.  Summer-reap what you have sown and enjoy the results.
In Love and Light-Always,

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will honor my own process."
Each of us has a process, and that process involves living our lives, learning from our experiences, and gaining wisdom.
It is very difficult to navigate the seas of our lives sometimes.  We are met with big waves, stormy seas, rocky embankments, but we also experience the calm sea, the gently rolling waves, the sandy beach, and there are also the stagnant seas, no wind, no waves, we sit there unmoving and having to row and row to get to our destination.
But, with each stroke, with each successful avoidance of the rocks, with each wave we overcome, and with each safe harbor, we learn.  We learn how to navigate.  We learn how to sail and to row.  We begin to appreciate the safe harbors and sandy beaches and to beware the rough seas and how to avoid smashing ourselves on the rocks.
Each step of our learning contributes to our process, our process of living.  Each step is necessary in order to bring about wisdom.  Think about all of the experiences you have had, those that stand out in your memory.  Recognize what you have learned from them.  Recognize how your life changed because of those experiences.
When I was a kid, my father used to say, "You play with fire, you get burned."  He was right, of course.  There were times that I did play with fire and I did get burned, but I learned that fire hurts and that I should avoid it in the future.  I learned many, many valuable lessons by both touching fire and avoiding it.
Now, as an adult, I can better appreciate the experiences that I have had and can now see how those experiences contributed to where I am, in my own process, right now.
So, dearies, embrace your process.  Honor your process.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, September 21, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will honor silence."
Sometimes it is just better not to say anything at all.  This one is difficult for me, and this lesson is one that I have been learning since I was a child.  Although I am much improved at keeping my mouth shut, sometimes the urge to blurt out my thoughts and feelings still overwhelms me, and out it comes! 
Many years ago, an administrator of mine gave me a precious piece of guidance.  He said, "Always take the high road."  I knew exactly what he meant, and I have embraced it. 
Everything we do, everything we say, is a choice.  It is a choice to descend into the lower aspects of our character, or to rise above our own pettiness, rise out of our lower aspects of character and to choose rightly.
I try to practice this every day.  I try to gauge my words so that they are more diplomatic and not hurtful to others.  I try to hold back my wicked sarcasm and harsh words so that I do not cause damage to others.
I know, you are thinking, "but what if I want to cause damage to others?  What if I want to defend myself and the only way is to speak harshly?"  I understand, I really do, trust me, but what I have found, is that after I have blasted someone or spoken out without thinking it through, I have always been sorry about it afterward.  In some cases, I felt so badly that I felt compelled to apologize.
I am much better now with biting my tongue, with just smiling, or just turning and walking away.  I am much better with voicing my words innocuously, meaning, that they are harmless words.  They still contain my message, of course, but at least they don't burn and scald.
Let my struggle with my sharp tongue be an inspiration to you to gauge your own speech, to think through what you are going to say and how you are going to say it.
Sometimes, silence is the best option.
In Love and Light-Always,

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will be more mindful of my actions and live a more mindful life."
"What goes around, comes around."  "You get what you give."  "You reap what you sow."  "Every dog will have his day."  "You make your bed, you lay in it."  "Karma is a bitch." 
All of these represent the same thing:  that our actions follow us and at some point in time, we are held accountable for our actions.
Knowing this is true (it is true), it should either motivate us or inspire us to live more mindfully, to be more aware of how our actions impact our overall life experience.
Karma is about balance, learning lessons, and making progress on our chosen paths.  Think of it as a see-saw.  On one side there is an action, and in order for balance to occur, an action of the same weight must be placed on the other side.  If one side becomes out of balance because it is too heavy (wrong action), then in order for balance to be reestablished, it must be righted; thus, we must learn that what we had done, brings negative consequences.  We must learn by being in the same position so as to cultivate knowledge and compassion.
Karma is not a punishment system, oh, no, it is not, so don't think of it in those terms.  Karma is a way to give us the opportunity to learn from the human experience, to make us aware, to make us accountable for all of our actions, not just our mistakes.
Appropriate action results in appropriate action.  Inappropriate action results in consequences. 
So, my dear friends, give more thought to how your actions (and thoughts) impact your overall human experience.  Work toward trying to take right action more often than not.  Embrace the opportunity to live an untangled, productive, compassionate life.
In Love and Light-Always,

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will accept the change that Universe has planned for me."
"Change is good, but it's not easy."-The Lion King
Transition, change, is definitely not easy, but it is necessary.  It helps us to shed the old and welcome the new.  It is meant to bring us to another level of consciousness and another level of living productively.
When change comes into your life, embrace it.   Don't fight it.  You may not know why it is happening or where it will lead, but one thing is certain:  Universe is in charge and Universe is moving you for a higher purpose. 
Trust in the Universe to move you to where you need to be.  Know that although there may be a time of acclimation, it is for the best.  Look at transition as a blessing.
Sometimes it is very, very difficult to remove ourselves from a situation or environment that no longer serves us, but we just cannot let it go or we don't have the means to change it ourselves.  When we find ourselves here, Universe moves in in a mighty way.  Universe brings the old to a close and opens up new opportunities.
Don't be afraid of change.  View it as a positive move in your life. Bless the old for all that it has taught you and brought you and open your heart to the clean slate, to the new life waiting for you.  you can make it whatever you want it to be and Universe supports you.
embrace change.  Do not try to stop it.
In Love and Light-Always,

Friday, September 18, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will follow my head and not my heart."
We associate the heart with our emotions, and in this case, sometimes it is better not to follow our hearts because our overpowering emotions can lead us into dangerous water.  Sometimes it is better to get our of the heart and into the head.
The "head", the mind, is the seat of rational thought.  There is nothing wrong with rational thought.  Rational thought helps us to reason, to make logical decisions, especially in times in great emotional upheaval.  And during these times of great emotional upheaval, our hearts may lead us astray, they may lead us into places that are not good for us.
When we are in the midst of chaos, the head and heart go to war.  Our hearts, tell us one thing, but our minds tell us the opposite.  It is hard, no doubt to bring the two into harmony and the battle within rages on.  Most of the time, it is the heart that wins, and sometimes it is not the best. 
Today, I want you consider the relationship between your emotions and your rational thought.  Evaluate whether you tend to mostly go with your emotional side or with your rational side when chaos comes into your life.
If you tend to usually give in to the emotional and ignore the rational, then perhaps it is time to try to bring the two into harmony.  Don't discount the rational.  The rational exists to balance the emotional.  And sometimes the rational as opposed to the emotional brings us to a better decision.
In Love and Light-Always,

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will not be deterred from my path by obstructions."
As we walk the path on the journey of our lives, we suddenly may find ourselves on the edge of a chasm, at the bank of a deep river, at the foot of jagged mountains, face to face with a tangled jungle, or on a road obstructed by a large fallen tree.  What do we do?
There are experiences like this.  Experiences that stop us in our tracks.  Experiences that seem insurmountable.  These are the events that make us think that we cannot possible go on.  That the journey is over and there is no where to go.
But no, these are not insurmountable.  They are temporary stopping places intended for us to reevaluate.  To make important decisions, to do a self check or to consider what our options are.
If an obstruction has presented itself in your path today, consider its significance and determine wht it has to teach you.
Don't give up, don't feel hopeless.  Rely more heavily on Universe than you ever have before.  Trust that if Universe has brought you to this place, then Universe has a reason for it, and that Universe will help you to overcome it.
Breathe, say a prayer, ask for spiritual assistance.  If you open yourself to Universe, Universe will show you the way.  It is that simple.
Trust Universe to take you across the chasm, across the river, over the mountain, through the tangled jungle, and over the fallen tree.
The other side awaits you.  The other side is calling.  The other side promises wisdom, growth, and the next part of the journey.

In Love and Light-Always,

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I am on a journey.  I embrace my journey."
Perhaps one reason that you may be feeling aimless is because Universe is trying to encourage you to find your way, to embrace the idea that your life is a journey and that you are responsible for that journey. 
Sitting on the sidelines of your own journey may be ok for now.  Sometimes we need to sit on the sidelines because it lets you see what is happening around you and inside of you, but sitting on the sidelines for too long, inhibits the progress you could be making if you just got up and walked the walk.
Wake up each morning and tell yourself, "I am on a journey.  I embrace my journey.  Where shall the journey lead me today?"
Begin by dealing with what presents itself in your path on this day.  Refuse to be rattled by it and look at it as an opportunity to actively take part in  your own life.  Begin developing an awareness of how what you have done and where you have been has a direct correlation to where you find yourself right now at this moment.  Nothing in your life is unrelated.  See every experience and choice you have made as contributing to the NOW.
Make a commitment to yourself; make a commitment to consciously and actively walking the path with purpose and awareness.  Let each step you take today, lead you to your next step of conscious awareness, of true ownership of your journey.
In Light and Love-Always,

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remind myself that, even in times of great darkness, the Light still surrounds me."
"Not all who wander are lost."-Lord of the Rings
Yes, but some are lost.  But being lost is part of the human journey.  It is part of the search, it is part of the process of discovery and renewal.  If we were never lost, then how would we recognize we were exactly where we should be?
If you are feeling lost today, do not despair, the light is with you and that this moment of feeling/being lost will come to a close and the light, once again, will fill your life.
In order to appreciate the light and to recognize the light, we must experience the darkness.  It is in the darkness that we are confronted with our fears and shames and resentments and uncertainties and we question our own purpose, but as we travel through the darkness, and we shed those fears, shames, resentments, and uncertainties, more and more light pours in.  We become illuminated and new.
So, don't despair the darkness.  Embrace it as a time of self discovery and self education.  Look at what your heart is showing you that you still need to do or learn, and them embrace it.
The Light never truly goes away, the Light is always around us, the darkness is generated from within.  So don't think that Universe has abandoned you, believe that Universe is there supporting you, rooting for you to recognize what is most important for you to recognize so that more and more enlightenment blesses you.
In Love and Light-Always,

Monday, September 14, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remember that I am an integral part of humanity, the planet, and the cosmos.
Sometimes we get very overwhelmed with what is happening in our lives that we forget that what is happening in our own lives is interrelated with all that is going on with events outside ourselves.  Yes, I mean global events and human events.
What is happening in our world is a direct result of mass negative thinking.  If we could change our thinking on a large scale, we could change what is going on around us.
If we could move out of our own small mental and emotional environment, I mean our heads and hearts, we could effect change worldwide.
Perhaps it is time for us to use our minds and hearts to not only get ourselves in order, but to pour more positive energy into our world.
Next time you sit down to meditate or pray, send a little love and peace and healing energy to the planet and its people, one of whom you are.
As the planet heals, we heal; as we heal, the planet heals.
Never forget that you are an integral part of the whole of humanity and the planet and the cosmos.
In Love and Light-Always,