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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I better understand EMPATHY and will share what I know with others."
We have finally made it to the end of the list of Empath Markers.  Here are the final five items that may suggest that what you are feeling and experiencing is natural for you because you are, indeed, empathic.  Tomorrow's blog will discuss the ways that you can shield yourself from all of the pulses of energy around you.  This will keep you more balanced and steady and more capable of waling your path without carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders or hiding under the covers.
26-Digestive issues/lower back discomfort-within the etheric body sits the chakras, the centers of energy that govern the different aspects of our lives (see blog entries on this subject).  The solar plexus chakra, the one that sits over the stomach is the center for our intuition, our sense of knowingness.  As a result, because you are so intuitive, the solar plexus gets slammed with a barrage of outside vibration.  This onslaught of vibration from all around may cause you to suffer periodic digestive problems.  If you have seen a doctor, he/she may have told you that there is no real cause for the issue and that perhaps you just have a sensitive stomach and digestive tract.  Additionally, at the base of the spine sits the root chakra, the center for basic necessities as well as a collection point for negative feelings such as anger, resentment, jealousy, etc.  As you absorb the negativity around you, it goes right into the root chakra, and as the root chakra fills with negativity, the discomfort in the lower back grows. 
27-Detecting dishonesty-As an empathy, you are probably very good (or very bad) at detecting individuals who are charlatans-those who are fake and phony and lie about their true identities.  You may not be able to put your finger on exactly who or what they are, but you sense, you know there is much more to them than they let on.  It is important for you to trust your gut on this because you want to believe the best about people and want to trust them, but sometimes you get fooled and when you do, you get hurt. 
28-Magnet for others problems-There may be times when you ask yourself, "Why does everybody always come to me to offload their problems?"  Well, they come to you because they sense in you your strong sympathy and understanding.  Those in need will always find you.  They will become attached to you.  So be very careful to shield yourself from these people and limit your contact.
29-Intolerance for egocentrism-Although you are very kind, patient, and tolerant of others, those who display undue arrogance, pride, egotism, and conceit repel you.  These people give off a very strong, negative energy that says, "It's all about me and never about you."  This type of thinking and energy is enough to cause you disgust, physical symptoms, or cause you to totally avoid the person all together-good move, stay away.
30-Sensitivity to food and/or days of the week-You may suffer from food allergies or have a "sensitive stomach."  You may also tend to move into a more vegetarian diet because you may be able to pick up the vibration of the animal that provided the food.  Also, you may have an sensitivity to "feeling" the days of the week.  Even without a calendar, you can just "feel" when it is Monday or Thursday or Sunday.  Each day of the week has a vibration all its own, and you can feel the nuances of these daily vibrations.  Also, you may pick up other people's attitudes and feelings about that particular day.
The list is finally complete.  Feel free to share these posts with friends.  If you suspect that you or someone close to you may be empathic, it is a good idea to peruse the list and check yourself against it.  Your question about your hyper-sensitivity may finally be answered.
Starting tomorrow, I will post a series of entries that address the ways that you can alleviate some of the discomfort that come along with being able to pick up so much information.  Be well, see you tomorrow.
In Love and Light-Always,

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