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Monday, October 5, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will break my day into small manageable bits so that I do not become overwhelmed."

Some days it is just hard to get ourselves moving.  These are the day that we need to stop focusing on the entirety of the day and just focus on one small task at a time.  For example, focus on just getting out of bed and doing your normal hygiene routine.  Then move to the next activity like getting into the shower or making the coffee or putting on your clothes or your make up or shaving.

Breaking down your day helps to keep you from getting overwhelmed.  It creates small doable tasks instead of one gigantic day.  If you can do this, break your day into manageable bits, you may find it less difficult to move through your day without freaking out or giving up.

Once your required activities are done, like getting home from your job or finishing dinner or bathing the kids, sit for a few minutes and look back and see all of the things that you did that you did not think your could accomplish.

It will give you a sense of accomplishment and relief that the day was done. Don't forget to reward yourself with something meaningful like going to bed early or reading a chapter from one of your favorite books or playing a game on your computer.

We all have days like this, I am having one myself today, and so this blog is a reminder to myself what I need to do for myself to make my day manageable. 

Don't despair, just do one thing at a time, deep your focus on doing the task at hand, and move through it.  The day will progress, I promise, and soon it will come to a close.

In Love and Light-Always,

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