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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I deepen my understand of EMPATHY."
EMPATH-a person who has a paranormal ability to apprehend the physical, mental, or emotional state of another individual.
EMPATHY-the ability to understand and share the thoughts, emotions, and physical state of another.
Thanks for returning today for Empath Markers 11-15.
11-Fatigue-You are inexplicably tired all the time.  You lack energy, and to get up off the sofa or get yourself moving is a major task.  This is caused by the absorption of too much energy from the outside world and its people.  Also, empaths are often easy targets for those who are referred to as "energy vampires."  These are people who easily drain you of your energy because of their neediness, negativity, or psychopathy.
12-Creativity and Artistry-You are highly creative and may enjoy activities like painting, drawing, dancing, sewing, quilting, gardening, crafting, cooking, writing, woodworking, building, crocheting, knitting, et al.  Empaths love to create and love the art brought to life through their creative talents.  Engaging in the creative and artistic is an outlet for many empaths.  These activities allow you to relax, find peace, disengage from the troubles of the outside world, and bring to life something of beauty in a sometimes not-so-beautiful world. 
13-Freedom, Adventure, and/or Travel-You treasure freedom and enjoy doing your own thing regardless of how others feel about it.  You may not like being tied down to a set of rules, a place, a person.  You may enjoy walking in the woods, window shopping, doing something risky like parachuting or mountain climbing or parasailing.  You may also like to travel to new places and see the beauty the world has to offer.  Additionally, traveling from your current home allows you the opportunity to let go (even if for a little while) the burden of your home, family, friends, job, responsibilities.  You probably more enjoy less populated places like the seaside or the mountains.
14-Champion-You champion the underdog, or as the saying goes, "bring home the strays."  You hate to see anyone suffer from any lack or from any illness-mental, physical, emotional, spiritual.  You will usually be drawn to these people or animals, and want to help.
15-Control-You may detest being controlled either by others, rules, routine.  You may rebel against any of these, either aggressively or passive aggressively.  You dislike being forced into anything, especially if runs contrary to your belief system.  Anything that removes or threatens your personal, emotional, physical, or spiritual freedom may become abhorrent to you.
So, there you are.  The first 15 of 30 EMPATH markers.  I will continue to post the other markers over the next couple of day, so come back for the next grouping of numbers 16-20.
In Love and Light-Always,

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