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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, September 14, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will remember that I am an integral part of humanity, the planet, and the cosmos.
Sometimes we get very overwhelmed with what is happening in our lives that we forget that what is happening in our own lives is interrelated with all that is going on with events outside ourselves.  Yes, I mean global events and human events.
What is happening in our world is a direct result of mass negative thinking.  If we could change our thinking on a large scale, we could change what is going on around us.
If we could move out of our own small mental and emotional environment, I mean our heads and hearts, we could effect change worldwide.
Perhaps it is time for us to use our minds and hearts to not only get ourselves in order, but to pour more positive energy into our world.
Next time you sit down to meditate or pray, send a little love and peace and healing energy to the planet and its people, one of whom you are.
As the planet heals, we heal; as we heal, the planet heals.
Never forget that you are an integral part of the whole of humanity and the planet and the cosmos.
In Love and Light-Always,

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