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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will not despair over delays.  I will breath, relax, and be patient."
Sometimes delays are just what we need (even though we don't realize it).  Delays slow us down, give us time to think, especially if what we were hoping to occur really is the best thing for us.
Don't despair over delays in your path.  Just take a deep breath and relax.  And wait.  Universe knows what is best for us, so ask Universe to help you cultivate patience while you wait.
What will come because of the delay may very well be much better than what you were hoping.  Tie up loose ends, organize things around you, clear the way.  Continue to follow through with daily actions, and see what transpires.  The current delay in plans will ultimately bring about positive results, so keep that in mind and don't get discouraged.
While you are waiting for situations to develop, take a look inside yourself.  Have you cleared away unneeded influences?  Have you worked on creating a stronger connection to your Higher Power?  Focus inward and work on the inner self.  In this way, you will be ready when the situation you are waiting for finally materializes.
In Love and Light-Always,

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