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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will marshal all of my inner strength in preparation for radical change."
We are heading into a time of incredible change.  This shift, this change, occurs somewhere around March 21 and lasts until approximately April 21.  The Universe is bringing about this change so that we can move on from our present situation into a new life.  This new life is filled with opportunities and challenges, and will bring heightened insight, wisdom, and knowledge.
We should not fear this changing time.  We should plant our feet, marshal our strength, and be ready for the shift that will occur.
This time period brings about the completion of a cycle.  Look back and see the progress that you have made thus far.  The current cycle had begun with a shift into the difficult and challenging, often emotionally wrenching.  Perseverance and steadfastness was needed to undergo this time of duress.  This was a time of acceptance and of letting go of old ideas and ways of living.
Now we shift into a time of opportunity and the coming to fruition of all that we had hoped to manifest.  It will manifest, but perhaps not exactly in the way that you had imagined it.  It will be even better. 
This time requires that we keep our cool, keep our eyes open, and take advantage of new opportunities, for it is these new opportunities that will catapult us into our destined future.  Continue to tie up loose ends, let go, and gather your strength, and prepare for a great change.
Be optimistic that your destined future lays ahead.
In Love and Light-Always,

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