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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I begin eliminating chaos and bringing balance back into my life."
A life that is out of balance is a life in chaos.  Chaos brings darkness and confusion, frustration and anxiety.  Chaos spins the compass out of its true direction.
When chaos turns his ugly face in our direction, we must sit up and take notice.  WE must bring back into balance that which is out of balance.  A good course to follow to would be to step back, retreat and reflect.  Reflect upon the those things that have brought chaos into our lives.  Determine which of those things is within our control and those things that fall outside our realm of control..
For those things that are outside our realm of control, then our best course of action is to let go and let them play out.  Gauge our own reactions and respond in the best way possible--with positivity.  Sometimes it is better to smile, put on a good face, and then ask Universe to intervene on our behalf.
For those things that are within our realm of control, the best thing we can do is to make a plan for affecting a positive outcome and then execute that plan to the best of our ability.  This may take some assistance, so we should ask Universe, once again, to intervene on our behalf.
Eliminating chaos and regaining balance requires patience and perseverance, so set your feet firmly and commit yourself to the process.
In Love and Light-Always,

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