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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today, I will strive to uncomplicated my life and live simplistically."

Life is complicated enough without making it more so by the choices we make.

There is nothing wrong with a simple life.  In simplicity, there is beauty, and beauty brings us joy.

Make time to evaluate what is essential and what can be simplified by letting it go. 

There is no weakness in saying that you cannot take on any other projects or do someone a favor. 

In doing what others ask, you are simplifying their lives and complicating you own.  I am not saying that we doing favors for others is wrong.  No, I am saying that when are already tapped out, taking on additional tasks, especially tasks that are not truly our responsibility, overcomplicates our lives.

So, dear friends, shed extraneous commitments, tasks, projects, and don't feel bad about it either.  Your life and well being should come first for you.  Keep your eyes focused on a simple life, a simple existence.  Pursue simplicity and see the tremendous difference it makes for you.

"Simplicity!  Simplicity! Simplicity!"-Henry David Thoreau

There is wisdom here.  Embrace the wisdom and practice simplicity.

In Love and Light-Always,

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