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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Friday, October 24, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"Today I will reawaken my joy by reawakening my creative talents."

Each of us has a part of ourselves that we bury deep inside because we simply don't have time to cultivate it or enjoy it.  We bury our desire to enjoy what we love because we tell ourselves that we don't have the time.  We put aside our personal satisfaction in order to meet deadlines or fulfill family or career responsibilities.

Now it is time to stop that and reawaken that part of yourself that you buried.  Look deep within and see what you have denied yourself and resurrect it.  Dance!  Plant!  Sing!  Paint!  Scultp!   Knit! Run!  Cook!  Sew!  Write!  Whatever form your self expression takes, reawaken it.  Let it bubble up from deep within and nurture it.  Let it come out.  Enjoy it!

If you acknowledge that you deserve the self satisfaction of your creative endeavors, then you will reclaim your joy.  Universe has gifted you with your talent and your love for creative expression.  Use it!  Honor yourself and the Universe by using these talents.

As for myself, I have reawakened my love of crocheting and am working several projects for family and friends.  With each stitch, I invest my joy and pride in creating into the project.  When I look at my creation, I feel happy, not only happy to do the work, but to see the beauty of what I am creating.  I am happy to have the capability to create something that others can enjoy and use.

So, my dears, invest in yourself, honor yourself and Universe by reawakening your love and enjoyment of your creative talents.

In Love and Light-Always,

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