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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, September 8, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"today I will reach out to the Universe and begin developing a more personal relationship with  my Higher Power."
What makes a hopeless situation less hopeless is knowing that the celestial realm is there waiting for us to call upon them for assistance. 
How many times do we have to bet old that we are not alone.  that we have legions of angelic help at our disposal.
Maybe you're not a believer of angels and other celestial entities.  Maybe you should be.
If you are not or if you are not sure, then I challenge you to reach out to the Universe and all it has to offer and stick with it for awhile and see miraculous changes happen in your life.
For those of you who are believers in angels, are you reaching out as often as you can?  Are you really relying on the assistance that is available for you? 
Perhaps building a closer relationship with Universe is in order today.  Maybe it is time to trust that the Universal Source of All That Is is has been encouraging you to reach out.  And maybe now it is time to more fully develop that relationship.
When you do reach out, when you form a closer connection to your Higher Power, you begin to feel a certain serenity overcome you.  You feel less alone and more empowered.
So for today, begin opening your heart and mind to the Higher Forces and see what miracles begin to happen in your life.
In Love and Light-Always,

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