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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, September 22, 2014

Today's Affirmation

"Today, I will be joyful!"

Be joyful today!  If we look hard enough, we can find at least one thing in the world around us that gives us joy.  Yes, even when the rafters are falling down around us, we can find joy in something.

The Universe has gifted us with beauty because the Universe understands the demands and challenges of human life.  And in times of great distress, we can look around us and see beauty and be reminded that even though things may be rotten at that moment, beauty still exists.  Beauty and serenity will return to us.  

In fact, beauty and serenity never really go away, we just fail to see it and believe in it, and live it.

So, my darlings friends, look for beauty today, even in the face of trouble, look for beauty.  See the beauty and be joyful!  Momentary joy is better than no joy at all.

Hold your head high, and be joyful!

In Love and Light-Always,

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