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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"I am part of the whole that is God."
"Once again, we come to you with this message:  Man is Divine.  Man is made from the same energy as all celestial beings.  Man is God on earth.  not a god, but the essence of God.
Each man embodies a piece of the spirit that is God, and so man is Divine.
All the efforts of the Higher Realms are intended to bring man back to his essence.  To get man to recognize his inner being as part of the God Whole.  Each man, woman, and child makes up the totality of the whole of God.
We in the celestial realm welcome you back to your glorious beginnings and it is our role to counsel you to reach this knowledge and come back into harmony and balance with all things.
We know this is difficult because the human mind cannot understand the whole, but only sees the part.  But being part of the whole is true nonetheless.
Bring your heart and mind into accord what is good and true and pure.  Work toward this end
choose paths that will lead you back to the center of who you are.
Be part of the jet stream that is the Divine source of all that is.  In this way you move toward your destine as and reclaim your identity as celestial."

In Love and Light-Always,

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