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Spirit Seeds: Meditations for Harmony, Healing, and Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Light Seeds: Your Personal Introduction to the Angelic Realm by Robin Milholland


Soul Seeds: Lessons for the Soul by Robin Milholland

Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will seek and create harmony.  Today I will live in harmony with all."
Good morning from the burgh!  I have left my homeland of Florida on a vacation jaunt to the North Hills of Pennsylvania, about 20 miles outside of Pittsburgh.  What a lovely relief to be away from the southern humidity and be in such a cool and crisp environment filled with northern trees and birds that we just don't see in South Florida.
My brother-in-law, Christopher (I also have a brother named Christopher), lives in Harmony-Harmony, Pennsylvania.  But what a lovely place to call home. 
We should all live in harmony-harmony with ourselves, with others, with our environment.  We should make it our purpose beginning today.
So, ask yourself, "What would it take to bring harmony into my life today?"  And then work toward it.  You don't need a lifetime plan, just a plan for today.  Then tomorrow, ask yourself, "What would it take to bring harmony into my life today?"  And then the day after tomorrow, do the same.
Daily harmony leads to weekly harmony and monthly harmony, and before you know it, you are so used to creating harmony, that when harmony goes awry, you crave it, and rebuild it.
So, my dearies, let HARMONY be your keyword today.  Let it be today's purpose. 
In Love and Light-Always,

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