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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be courageous and put fear aside and reclaim my own personal power."
Through our journeys in the human world, we have encountered numerous examples of the use of power-not always good.  As we perceive power, we perceive it as a force that puts us in charge, something we can wield, like a sword.  It is a word that has grown to have negative connotations.
We need to begin to rethink power.  Think of it as not as something we use against others, but something we use to strengthen ourselves.
Power, real power, is a force that resides within us.  We should learn to embrace it and use it for our highest and greatest good.
Power is strength and authority and courage and love and not fear.  Fear directly contradicts power.  Those who fear, temporarily misplace their power.
Do not be in a hurry to be powerful, but cultivate love, patience, inner strength, and this is power.
Power is not aggression or violence.  These are misuses of power manifested through fear.  Prejudice is manifested through fear, and this is not power either.
Power is silent.  It is in the gently manner of man.  It is in love that power resides, not in hatred or killing or fear.
Cultivate the love in your own heart, and this is power.
So, my friends, contemplate your own personal power today, and ask yourself what is preventing you form embracing it and owning it.  Move beyond fear and into courage.  Use your power wisely-always for the highest and greatest good of all. 
In Love and Light-Always,

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