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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will be my own knight in shining armor and come to my own rescue."
What is wrong with women?  I’ll tell you what’s wrong with women.  What’s wrong with women is that we’ve been conditioned since our girlhoods to believe in the Knight in Shining Armor who comes riding in at the most dire moment to swoop us up into the saddle and carry us off into the sunset to live happily ever after.

So how can we be blamed for spending our lives stalking the ultimate big game-the Knight in Shining Armor? 

 Every cute boy, every handsome man we meet who looks at us with that certain look in his blue or brown or green or hazel eyes, we dress up in shiny metal, put a plume in his helmet (or his ball cap or his cowboy hat or is sun visor-you get the picture), and a long lance in his gauntleted hand and pursue him with every feminine wile we have.

It’s even worse when crisis strikes because then we look, not to our feminine selves as being capable of being our own knight in shining armor, but to the herd of males, potential shiny men out there who we think can save us.
Our first introduction to the knight, whether shiny or tarnished, is our fathers-big strong, powerful, the superman of knights.,  It doesn’t matter how good or evil he is, he is our first superman of knights. 
We graduate from dad to Ken who has perfect plastic hair, not a hint of 5 o’clock shadow, and no penis with which we would be threatened.
 Then comes the middle school boys-the cute little trouble makers who tease us, snap our bra straps and who definitely have penises with which to threaten us-the first males to have penises.
 Our next encounter with knights are the high school boys-the athletic well formed males who strut like peacocks down the hall surrounded by females who compete with each other for his attention.    Or they are the dangerous boys who slouch and goof off in class and answer back and cuss and maybe even smoke.  There is a certain appeal in the bad boy knight.  His badassness shows he has the toughness to protect us from dragons and other boys.  All these high school boys definitely have penises and they definitely threaten us and sometimes we want to be threatened, we may even like being threatened.  We may not let them threaten us, but we like knowing they possess a certain threateningness.
Then, of course, we marry the man we think is our destined Knight in Shining Armor.  How disappointed we can become when this perfect guy turns out to have flaws, and somehow doesn't know how or isn't truly capable of saving  us from the witches and dragons and trolls that live under bridges.  Now what do we do??? 
It's time for an AWAKENING!  What we find is that hiding way back in our closets, among all the clothes and shoes and purses we bought that we probably didn't need, is a dusty, tarnished suit of armor.  We ask ourselves, "Where did this come from?"
Well, nobody put it there.  It was there all along. We drag it out, dust it off, shine it up, and put it on.   Wow!  How surprised we are when it fits, a little awkward maybe, but it fits.  Even the fancy sword fits in our hands.  We may not really know yet how to use it, but we certainly can wave it around.
Ladies, the more we get used to how the armor fits and how to use the sword, the more we realize that we are not helpless, not without resources, not without power.
It is time for us to reclaim ourselves as powerful beings in our own right. King Arthur's motto was "Might for Right."  Our feminine motto should be "Might for Right is Right for Us!"
So, girls, go clean out your closets.  You may just find that suit of armor that you didn't know was there.
In Love and Light-Always,


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