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Friday, January 17, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will appreciate all of the people who have contributed to who I am today."
There are people that we have left behind in our lives-old lovers, best friends from school, good neighbors who have moved far away, family members.
But these people somehow find a way back into our lives years later.  And what a joy it is to reconnect with them.  For some of those people, it is as if we had never been separated.  We pick up the thread of the conversation just where we had left off.
Sometimes, when we have left words unsaid, it may be timely to finally communicate those words.  Recently, I found my high school boyfriend, my first love ever, on Facebook.  I was very hesitant to make contact with him.  But I finally did.  There were things sitting in my heart for a long time that had been unsaid, and I finally wanted to say them, and I am glad I did.
So, dear friends, welcome the communication for someone whom you thought was lost to you or whom you had left behind.  It just may be time to either rekindle the relationship or make amends or have amends made to you.
In Love and Light,

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