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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Monday, December 9, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"I will cultivate my talents and capabilities for the highest good of all concerned, in accordance with Divine knowledge, wisdom, and law."

Some people think that seeing the future or being able to "read people's minds" (no such thing.  there is only reading people's energy) is so very cool, but there is a huge responsibility that comes with having capabilities to read energy and see the implications of people's choices or see the outcome of events already set in motion. 

There are definite positives in the whole business, like giving people the information they need to move forward with their lives or make better informed choices or take better precautions or confirm the path that a person is traveling. 

There are some negatives as well; reading something hurtful in someone's energy or seeing a negative consequence or painful event, or knowing that someone's burden will get heavier can be difficult.

But when one works with energy, one must be able to take the positive with the negative; one must be able to create a balance between what one sees and how one transmits that information.

I cannot stress enough that no matter what, one must always "read" for another person's HIGHEST GOOD and the highest good of all concerned in the situation.  I cannot stress enough how vital it is to diplomatically and gently transmit the information or reinforce the positive in all information.

For myself, I made my commitment to Universe and to having capabilities to read energy with some personal guidelines:   (1) I would work from a strong spiritual base-for their highest good and highest good of all concerned, (2) I would only provide information that would help a person move forward on his/her physical/emotional/mental/spiritual path, (3)  I would always try to give the best guidance that I could,  (4) I would never violate someone's personal privacy and would wait to be invited/asked to provide information for them, (5) I would work with the person's spirit guides, loved ones who have passes over,  and any other angelic/celestial assistance who can assist the person in his higher path, (6)  I would always work from a place of love and light and respect for a person, (7) I would never use the capabilities with which I am blessed for any hurtful or negative purpose, (8)  I would never seek out information that Universe did not want me to have, (9)  I would always be humble and not sensationalize my talents and capabilities.

So, my dear friends,  if you have a capability to "see" things, yes, please, cultivate your capabilities, but cultivate them for the best possible reason and the best possible outcome.  Be mindful of the responsibilities that you have.  Be clear with yourself about why you are cultivating your talents and for what purpose you will use them.

In Love and Light,

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