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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will pray for the rescue of my loved one.  I will ask Universe to intercede and bring about healing and enlightenment."

We cannot save someone who does not want to be saved.  We cannot rescue someone who does not want to be rescued.

We can, however, pray unceasingly for their release from whatever is holding them hostage and causing them destruction.  We can ask the Universe to move mightily in their lives and work for their highest and greatest good.

When we do this, we need to understand that in order to build something better, that which already exists must be broken down.  We cannot build a strong house on a faulty foundation, and so it is with people.  We cannot rebuild something better until the damaged parts are removed. 

So, if you are ready to see the one(s) you love released from their own destructiveness, then  be prepared to see an initial worsening of the situation.  Be confident that Universe had heard your prayer and is interceding on you behalf for the highest good of your loved one. 

Stand steadfast and be supportive of release and growth and enlightenment.  Do not undermine the work of the Universe by interfering.  Stand aside and let Universe work.

If you can do this, if you are willing to do this, then the results will be miraculous.  It may take some time before what was wrong is righted.  After all, one's self destruction did not occur overnight and so it cannot be fixed overnight.

Be committed to your prayers for the other person's enlightenment and freedom self destruction.

Pray for patience and a strong resolve. 

All will be well.

In Love and Light-Always,

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