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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today's Affirmation
"Today I will follow a path of righteousness.  With the help of the Universe, I will determine what is right and just for me, and follow what I know is for my highest good."
None of us likes disruption in our lives, but sometimes that disruption is Universe's way of bringing us to where we need to be.
It is a common reaction to want to fight against the disruption, but sometimes we just need to submit, to surrender, to know that our Higher Power is in control and is taking care of us in a way that brings us out of our complacency and out of our denial and into the Light.
When we embrace this, when we embrace the workings of Universe in our lives and open our eyes and learn what Universe is trying to teach us, we walk a path of righteousness.  It is what is right for us at that moment in time. 
Being confronted with the same issues over and over again and always responding in the same way will get us nowhere.  We've all been there, and it rarely, if ever, works out well.  But, when we are confronted and we do face it head on, and learn the lesson that Universe is giving us the opportunity to learn, then, and only then, do we progress.
So, for today, watch for the signs of Universe working in your life, and relax and release control.  Surrender to the wisdom and goodness and love of the Universe to know what is right for you.
In Love and Light, Always,

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