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Seeds for Thought: Daily Readings for Enlightenment by Robin Milholland

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today's Affirmation
"I will be much more aware of the choices I make.  Today I will choose more wisely."
What is the secret of life?
Some say it is Love.  Some say Happiness. 
And although both are good choices, both are incorrect.  A secret is called a secret because the answer is hidden or because it is thought to be hidden. 
Love is not the secret because we all know how important love it and the tremendous impact it has on our lives.  Love is A key to living a healthy life, but it is not THE key.
The same is true for Happiness; we recognize the importance of Happiness and most of us strive to achieve it.  It is no secret; A key, yes, but THE key, no.  Happiness is a byproduct.
So if Love is not the secret of life and Happiness is not the secret of life, then what is?
Well, the answer is so simple, so simple, that most people would never recognize it as the answer or believe it is the answer. Why?  Because we expect that the answer will be glamorous and that the sky will open and legions of angels will play trumpets to introduce it. 
But No, the sky will not open.  No,  the legions of angels will not play trumpets and descend from heaven.  Nor will rainbows or leprechauns appear with pots of gold. 
Those that want that type of introduction or answer, will not even believe that the answer is the true answer.
So what is the true answer? 
The true answer is recognizing the relationship between cause and effect.  Recognizing that choices exist that that we have the free will to choose.  Recognizing that each choice we make has a ripple effect throughout the Universe.  Recognizing that each choice we make leads us in a certain direction and that that direction also has choices to make.  Recognizing that our entire lives is simply a series of choices and the outcomes of those choices.
Knowing this, embracing this, makes us realize how thoroughly responsible we are for the course of our own lives.  It puts the responsibility for our own lives in our own hands. 
Yes, I know, what about those things that we cannot control?  There are plenty of things that happen that we have no control over, but that does not mean we are helpless.  What we do have control over is HOW we address those things we have no control over.  It is about the choices we make about what we do with those uncontrollable forces, how we react, how we treat the situation, how we think and respond.  These are the things that we can control.
I know what you are saying.  You are saying, "Robin, that isn't the true answer.  That can't be the true answer.  It's not glamorous or earth shattering." 
And that , dear friends, is why it IS the answer.  Because people don't want to believe it is.  That is what makes it hidden, that is what makes it a secret.  Because people reject it as the true answer.  Because people are looking for something else, something different.  Something Hollywood.
But when we stop and think-maybe for the first time-that every choice we make has an outcome, good or bad, we begin to see the pattern of our lives, the pattern of the universe unfolding.  We see the greater connection between all things.  We see that nothing exists in isolation That all things are connected in a pattern and that pattern is reliable.
I never thought I would ever say this in my entire life, but here it is:  it is a matter of physics.  All things boil down to this simple truth:  For every action, there is an equal reaction.
So, think deeply upon this newly gained secret of life.  Use it a measure for your own life.  Contemplate the choices you make with greater care.  Embrace the idea. And see if it does not make a difference in the way you chose to live your life.
Go in Peace and Love and Light.  Go with the God of your choice.

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